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𝙳𝚊𝚢 𝙽𝚒𝚗𝚎

It's been three days since Jungkook woke up on Jimin's house. The doctor realized that he should accept the fact that he's now Jimin's hostage and this is already his new life. For the past three days, Jimin had been serving him foods and clothes. The patient also took the chain's off, so Jungkook can freely go to the bathroom.

But despite of all the things Jimin has done for Jungkook, the hate and anger was still there. He could never treat Jimin the same way. He could never be Doctor Jeon towards the patient.


"Good morning. Here's your breakfast," Jimin's soft voice rang through the silent room as Jungkook raised his head to look at the said male. Whenever Jimin was around, Jungkook's eyes would fill up with rage.

The patient placed the tray of food on the bed, as usual. Jungkook noticed that Jimin had been wearing sweaters or hoodies but shrugged those thoughts away. The doctor started to eat while the patient watched him with a soft smile.

"What the hell are you still doing here? Get out."

"Why are you so rude to me?" Jimin finally asks, once again feeling sadness inside him. His heart broke at the treatment Jungkook was giving him. It made him think, if their relationship would've remained the same if he didn't took the doctor. At the same time, Jungkook's fingers once again curled into a fist.

"Why am i so rude to you? Now you're asking me that? Are you dumb enough to not realize what you have done Jimin?!" Jungkook shouted while looking directly at Jimin. The patient just stayed still and stared in shock.

"Jungkook.. p..please hear me ou-"

"I don't need to hear anything Jimin! I hate you and that'll remain the same until i die. I just wish that this curse in you won't be cured so you'll suffer more," Jungkook groaned in frustration as he leaned back on the headboard. Jimin's eyes started to fill up with tears. He felt a severe wave of guilt as he turned away from Jungkook.

As the smaller male was about to get up and leave, he remembered something. Maybe this is the right time to tell the other male.

"A few years ago, there was this nerd boy who fell in love with a basketball player. The story is a typical nerd boy who fell for a popular student.." Jimin succesfully started without stuttering. Jungkook stared at Jimin from behind as he listens silently. Though he wasn't that interested.

"The nerd boy would always watch every basketball game. Game with other schools or simply just a practice game, he was always there. He was always there to cheer for the one and only Jeon Jungkook. They even named him 'Jeon's nerdy cheerleader'.." Jimin lets out a chuckle and doesn't bother to glance at Jungkook. Jungkook on the other hand was surprised and confused at the same time. Why is he mentioned in Jimin's story?

"Anyway. The nerd boy already confessed a couple of times and the only answer he gets from Jungkook was 'meet me in the rooftop' or 'meet me in the football field'. So he does. But Jungkook seems to forget about it everytime. He doesn't shows up." After hearing this, Jungkook's face turned pale. He finally remembers. Everything.

"After a certain game, Jungkook's team won and ofcourse, the nerd boy was there. After the big game, the nerd boy decided to try again and confess. He went to see Jungkook at the parking lot while holding a box of sweets. Hoping that the basketball player would finally meet up with him. As usual, Jungkook tells him to go meet him at the football field.. and so he does." Jimin finally turned to face Jungkook, who was still pale as he remembers the whole story.

"You guessed what happened? Ofcourse. You didn't showed up. The nerd boy waited and waited for hours. Until it was already too late and it started raining. The next thing he knew, you were already in Seoul. You liar."

Jimin stands up and walks to the door, leaving Jungkook full of guilt. He regrets everything that he said. Everything that he did. The way he treated Jimin. Everything.

"Yes. That nerd boy was me. You made me this way, Doctor Jeon. All i wanted was you to love me! Yet you just played me like the asshole that you are," Jimin's tears started streaming down his pale cheeks. Jungkook approached him, who was full of guilt and regret.

"Jimin i-"

"No. You can leave and even tell the police what i did to you."

Jimin wiped his tears and left the room, banging the door close. Jungkook's head fell low.

"W..What have i done?"


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