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"Jimin-ah?" Jungkook called out in a soft tone and peeked inside the room. There, Jimin was drying his hair while sitting on his bed. They locked eyes for a second before Jimin looked away.

"I made soup for you." Jungkook smiled and placed the bowl of hot soup on the nightstand before sitting beside Jimin. The smaller stared at the bowl for a while before smiling. "Thanks.. i guess."

"It's nothing. I'll do anything to make it up to you. I regret everything that i did, Jimin. I swear." The black-haired male smiled and watched as the other male tasted the soup that he made.

"How is it?"

"It's good.. but it's not hot enough." Jimin says rubbing his palms together. Jungkook grew confused as he reaches for Jimin's hands. His hands are freezing!

"But i just made it. Are you sure you want something hotter?" Jungkook asks as he tries to warm Jimin's hands. The smaller just stares at the doctor.

"What do you want, Jimin? Tell me."


Jungkook's eyes widened but he wasn't surprised. Jimin wasn't completely well. He swallows thickly as he intertwined his fingers with the smallers.


"Please. Jungkook."

Jimin pulled Jungkook close, clinging onto him. Jungkook doesn't even try to stop him. He was.. enjoying this?

"Please. I want to feel loved even just once. Give all of your attention to me." The pink-haired male pressed his forehead on the black-haired male's. Tears were running down his cheeks which made the other surprised. Jimin wasn't supposed to be crying or even feeling sad. Does this mean.. he needs to feel loved to be completely well?

"Shh. Jimin. Don't cry. I'm here, i won't leave you. Again." Jungkook wiped Jimin's tears, wanting to calm him down. The doctor slowly leaned closer, pressing his lips on the patient's plump ones. Jungkook was completely lost. He doesn't know why he was doing this. Is he really that crazy now?

The next thing Jungkook knew, Jimin was already sitting on his lower stomach while stripping his own clothes off. Jungkook's breath hitched once he saw Jimin's naked body right infront of him. He was expecting some tattoos, wounds or bruises. But there wasn't a single mark.

"Done staring, Doctor Jeon?" Jimin giggles and licks Jungkook's neck which he had been longing for since day one. He sucks and nibbles on a spot, making sure to leave a mark. Once the smaller was done marking the taller, Jungkook flips them over and strips his clothes off.

"God. Who knew a stupid doctor can have such a muscular body. Hm?" Jimin says playfully as he runs his tiny hands on Jungkook's arms and chest, feeling the doctor's body.

Jungkook forms a smirk and pins Jimin's wrists above his head, surprisingly using only one of his hands. The doctor leans down to kiss the patient passionately once again. Their tongues fought for dominance but ofcourse, we all know who won. Jungkook grabs Jimin's chin softly, using his tongue to explore the smaller's mouth.

This was new for Jimin. Yes, he would be the submissive but he always does the first move and that leaves the dominant to give in to Jimin's kiss. Now, everything changed. Jungkook is the dominant so he acts like one. He shows Jimin who's in charge and that Jimin should give in.

Jungkook pulls away, licking Jimin's lower lip and smirking. He observes the male underneath him for the last time time before spreading the submissive's legs, enough for him to fit in between.

"I guess this won't hurt since i'm not your first, right?" Jungkook asks. It was weird that he was feeling upset about not being Jimin's first. He gives his cock a few strokes before slipping inside the submissive. Jungkook lets out a groan as he feels how surprisingly tight Jimin was.

"G-Geez. How are you still so tight?" Jungkook chuckles and looks down at Jimin. The smaller was gripping on Jungkook's shoulders the whole time and had his eyes shut close. The dominant smiles and leans forward to place tiny kisses on the submissive's face, trying to ease the pain if he felt any.

"Y-You're so big, daddy." Jimin moans out and finally relaxes a few minutes after Jungkook slipped his whole length inside.

"G-God. My l-last wasn't even n-near your length. You're so deep~" The submissive stated as the dominant started to thrust in a gentle pace. Jungkook made sure to start off gently to let Jimin adjust to his size. He didn't want to hurt Jimin at any thrust.


"G-God Jimin. Y-You're doing great, sweetie."

Jungkook moans out as he continues to thrust into Jimin. His thrusts were now rough and fast as he chases his orgasm with the other male. Jimin on the other hand watches as Jungkook enjoyed his time. Thrusting and fucking the submissive the way he wants. He was letting out moans as he honestly felt really good at the way the dominant was handling him.

As he feels his orgasm coming really fast, he slowly reaches under his pillow. The same feeling was coming back. The same feeling with every male who fucked Jimin without showing much affection. The pink-haired male pulls out a tiny knife as he keeps his eyes fixed on the black-haired male's face. Jungkook had his eyes closed as he continues to chase his high.

"Oh g-god. I'm cumming. I'm cumming, baby. Let's cum together, hm?" Before Jimin can even do anything, Jungkook leaned closer to press their foreheads together. The dominant slowly intertwined their fingers together to calm the submissive.

Jimin slowly formed a wide smile as he finally got the affection and attention he wants. For once, Jimin didn't felt like a sextoy or a slut while having sex with someone.

"C..Cum in me please?"

"I will, baby. I will."

Jungkook groans and started to thrust more, abusing Jimin's spot over and over again. Causing the submissive to almost scream out due to the feeling. Both of them releases at the same time. Jungkook inside the smaller while Jimin released his cum on his and Jungkook's stomach.

Both of the male started to catch their breath before Jungkook pulls out and slowly laying on top of Jimin. The smaller wraps his arms around the other and smiles as he does.

"I love you Jungkook."

"I love you too baby."


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