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𝙳𝚊𝚢 𝚃𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎

It was another day for Doctor Jeon to check on Jimin. Jungkook tucked his yellow polo in his black pants and took his coat from it's hanger. As the doctor walked out of his office, he met Mr Kim. "Ah, Doctor Jeon. I was just about to walk in your office."

"Good morning Mr Kim. What is it?" Jungkook bowed and placed his pen in his coat's pocket. Mr Kim gave the doctor a piece of paper. "I checked on patient x earlier."

"You mean, Jimin?"

"Yeah, Jimin."

Jungkook nodded and looked down at the note.

Jimin: "I like the color pink, white, yellow and baby blue. I also like plushies, doctor. Especially the bunny ones. Those calms me down somehow."

Jungkook unconciously smiles at the random informations from a Jimin. It seems like he's a precious baby inside and it urged the doctor to cure and help the patient immediately. "I'll keep these in mind, Mr Kim."

"Good. I'm counting on you, Doctor Jeon. He'll like your shirt, by the way," Mr Kim let out a chuckle as he walked away. The doctor smiles and started to head to the patient's room.

As Jungkook walked towards the room, he noticed there were no guards around. Luckily, he had an extra key for the room. The doctor made his way inside. "Good morning Jimin."

Jungkook smiled as he pulled a chair beside the patient's bed, sitting down. Jimin hummed in response and was facing the wall. "Have you been sleeping well?"

The patient turned towards the doctor with a nod. He eyed the doctor and smiled as he noticed the doctor's shirt. "I like your shirt, doctor."

Jungkook smiled as he watched Jimin - who was touching the yellow fabric softly which Jungkook didn't mind.

"Well, thank you. Anyway, have you been eating well?" Jimin's gaze darkened as he moved away, scoffing. "They didn't brought me breakfast earlier. Are they trying to fucking starve me or what?"

"No, no. I'm sorry for that. We can go down in the cafeteria and continue our session there, if you want," The doctor reached down to hold the patient's hand, trying to calm him down. The patient only let out a sigh as agreed. Jungkook reached down to unlock the chains off the bed and helped Jimin up.

"It.. it'll be fine if i go out of the room?" Jimin asked while playing with his fingers - wrists still chained together. Jungkook flashed a smile before nodding. The doctor led the way outside and to the elevator. As soon as they got down at the first floor, nurses started to avoid the patient, knowing well what he can do to them. Jungkook held Jimin's hands as they head inside the cafeteria. Jimin was busy looking around, remembering the way out well.

"We're here," Jungkook whispered softly at Jimin, looking at the patient. The noise from the cafeteria stopped once everyone laid eyes on Jimin. The patient scanned the room, making sure to glare at every patient, nurse or even doctors.

"Uhh.. let's sit there, Jimin," The doctor gently pulled the patient to a vacant table, watching the patient sit down. The younger smiled before sitting across the other.

"Do you want anything to eat? I'll go get it for you," The doctor stated while staring at the patient's features. The patient was extremely attractive. Jimin looked at Jungkook who was staring at him, forming a tiny smirk before leaning closer. "You're doing a lot for me, doctor. Maybe i can return all of that later~"

Jimin's voice sounded soft but seductive at the same time. Too seductive that it nearly made the doctor gave in. Jungkook let out a chuckle, trying to cover up his racing heart.

"It's fine. I'll just go get you ramen then go back here immediately. Be good and stay here, okay?" Jungkook's voice was soft but stern as he stood up, his eyes never leaving the patient. Jimin nodded and rested his chin on his palm.

After seeing Jimin nod, Jungkook rushed to get the patient's food. He wanted to be quick before Jimin does anything or something will happen to the patient. On the other hand, Jimin smirked to himself as he played with the chains on his wrists.

"I'll be a good boy and visit daddy's place soon~"


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