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𝙳𝚊𝚢 𝙵𝚒𝚟𝚎

The session for the day was much longer than the others. For the past 15 minutes, Jungkook and Jimin spent their time cuddling which was the patient's request. The doctor wasn't actually a cuddle-person but surprisingly agreed.

"Doctor Jeon?" Jimin called out softly before turning his head to glance at Jungkook. "Yes Jimin?"

"Do you love me?"

The patient's questioned caught Jungkook off-guard but he eventually answers with a smile. "Ofcourse.. i love all my patients."

Jimin didn't seem to like the answer and turned to face Jungkook with an adorable pout. "I want you only for myself, doctor."

The doctor didn't expected this kind of reaction from the patient. After answering the question, he was ready for the shouts from Jimin but nothing came. Instead, Jimin gave him an adorable pout. "What do you mean?"

Jimin let out a sigh. Jungkook didn't understood what he meant. They both slowly sat up as the doctor waited for an answer. He understands what Jimin meant. He just couldn't believe it.

"Jimin answer m-"

Before Jungkook can even finish his sentence, Jimin already crashed his plump ones on the doctor's lips. Jungkook's eyes widen as he tried to pull away. But couldn't. Jimin's lips were soft and plump, molds perfectly with Jungkook's. The doctor unconciously kisses back. The kiss was intoxicating the both of the males.

Both were lost in eachother's lips. Neither wanted to pull away but ofcourse they needed tp. After a full five minutes of them making out, both of the males pulled away. Gasping for air.

The doctor's face heated up, realizing what he just did with his patient. He looked over to meet Jimin's soft gaze, his eyes joining the smile which was formed on his lips. Jungkook couldn't help but smile back, showing off his bunny teeth.

"I'm sorry but i gotta go, Jimin. Let's continue the session next week, hm?" The doctor got up, wearing his white coat as he looked down at the patient. Jimin pulled Jungkook to a hug before looking up at him. "Take care, doctor."

"I will. You too Jimin," Jungkook ruffled Jimin's pink strands before leaving the room. While walking to the elevator, he saw Mr Kim approaching his way. "Good evening, Mr Kim. Gonna check Jimin?"

"Ah, yes. Is he awake, Doctor Jeon?"

"He is, Mr Kim."

They exchanged bows before going on their ways.


Jungkook let out a deep sigh as he parked his car on the garage. He leaned his head back, remembering what happened earlier. He raised his hand to touch his lips softly, a smile forming on his lips. "Ah, i must be crazy to respond to a kiss from my patient."

The doctor stepped out of his car and making his way inside his house. As he walked to the living room, he got startled to see his older brother, Junghyun. "Hyung! How did you get in?"

Jungkook sighed and scratched his head, locking eyes with his hyung. Junghyun chuckled and shrugged. "I know my ways inside your house, Kook."

Patient X || A JiKook FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now