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a little YoonMin smut coming up. i hope you don't mind ^^


𝙳𝚊𝚢 𝚘𝚗𝚎

"Nurse Yoongi. I want you to move Jimin to another room, as soon as he wakes up," Jungkook looked at the nurse. Yoongi nodded and continued to do his work. The doctor then went straight to the head doctor's office.


An hour passes by and Yoongi forgets about moving the patient until Hoseok reminds him. He stands up and heads to the patient's room. As soon as he gots infront of the room, he shows his i.d to the guards. "Doctor Jeon asked me to move Mr Park to another room."

"That room is empty. You can move him there," One of the guards pointed the room from across the hallway. Yoongi just nodded and walked inside the room, closing the door behind him.

The patient sat on the bed, raising his head once the door opened. The nurse met the cold gaze of the patient as he made his way towards the bed. "I'm Nurse Yoongi. Doctor Jeon asked me to move you in another room. I hope you don't mind it Mr Park."

"Jimin," The patient observed the nurse's every move, licking his plump lips. Yoongi only nodded as he placed his pen in his uniform's pocket. "Yoongi-ah, can you take these off? Please?"

The nurse looked at the patient, his eyes travelling down the patient's wrists and ankles. He was chained to the bed. Yoongi looked up to meet a pouty Jimin.

"I'm sorry, Jimin. I can't," Yoongi flashed a smile as he helped the patient to stand up and unlock the chain which was on the bed stand. The patient kept his eyes on the nurse, forming a little smirk on his face.

"Let's go. The room is just across the hallway," Yoongi stated and lead the way out of the room. Jimin followed closely as his eyes scanned the hallway. After letting the patient in the new room, Yoongi closed the door.

The nurse attached the chain on the bed stand, looking at the patient. "Thank you, Yoongi. Maybe i can thank you in some other way.."

"What do you mean, Jimin?" Yoongi observed Jimin, as the patient's hand ran on the nurse's chest. The pink-haired male just hummed and looked up to see the other's reaction. Yoongi gulped thickly.


"Let me suck you. Please?"

Yoongi's eyes widen at the patient's request. The next thing he knew, he was already pinned on the nearest wall. The nurse watched as the patient ran his hands around his clothed body.


"I promise no one will know.. daddy."

Jimin's voice was soft as his tiny eyes locked with Yoongi's. It worked perfectly as if his voice was a spell. A poison. Yoongi nodded and let out a deep sigh. Jimin smirked and slowly got on his knees, pulling the nurse's pants and boxers down to his thighs.

The pink haired male lets out a satisfied moan upon seeing the gray haired male's already-hard cock. He smirks and makes sure his lips are wet before taking the nurse's cock.

"Hmm.. shit," Yoongi moaned out, feeling Jimin's plump lips wrap around his length. His hands slowly made their way on top of the patient's head, gripping on Jimin's pink locks. Honestly, Jimin missed the feeling. The feeling of someone's cock inside his mouth. Someone gripping on his pretty, pink locks and moaning out for him.

The patient looked up at the moaning nurse as he used his mouth professionally to pleasure him. Jimin's eyes darkened once he saw the pen in Yoongi's pockets. He smirked and continued to move his head, slowly taking the pen in his hand. "Y-You're doing good."

Yoongi praised Jimin, caressing the pink strands of the patient's hair. A few moments passed, moaning and mouth sounds can be heard all around the room. "I'm c-close Jimin."

The patient did his best to take the nurse's whole length in his mouth. Surprisingly, he succeeded to take the whole length of the said male without gagging. Yoongi tugged onto Jimin's hair, letting out a shaky moan as he released his cum on the patient's mouth.

Jimin smiled, swallowing all of Yoongi's sweet yet salty cum. The nurse locked eyes with the patient, panting. Yoongi pulled his boxers and pants up, calming himself before he leave the room. "Did you liked it?"

"I did. I better go now," Yoongi rushed to the door but before he can even get close, Jimin called him once again. "Oh, Yoongi?"

"Yeah?" The nurse turned towards the patient, seeing the patient's wide smile.

"One last thing.."


"I'll try to talk to him once he's calm." Mr Kim stated as he played with his pen. Jungkook nodded and stood up. "I better go n-"

"Doctor Jeon!"

Mr Kim and Jungkook locked eyes before rushing out of the office. They ran towards the noise and saw Hoseok and other nurses panicking. "What happened?"

The nurses moved away, letting Jungkook see what's happening. It was Yoongi, with a pen shoved in his right thigh. Bleeding.

"What the hell happened, Nurse Yoongi?" Mr Kim and Jungkook asked in sync as Jungkook crouched down to start treating the nurse.

"We need to treat Jimin. Fast."


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