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𝙳𝚊𝚢 𝙵𝚒𝚟𝚎

"How's Park Jimin doing, Doctor Jeon?" Mr Kim asked. Jungkook sat down infront of the desk and arranged his shirt.

"He's doing well, Mr Kim. I don't think he's close to being completely well yet since he gets frustrated at some times but gets back to his normal state real quick. He's a lot better now compared to our first day though," The doctor smiles proudly as Mr Kim nods and smiles. "Just tell me when there's something wrong with the patient, Jungkook."

"I will Mr Kim. I better go now," Jungkook stood up and bowed at the head doctor before walking out of the office. On his way to the elevator, two nurses comes running towards the doctor, as if there was an emergency.. and there was.

"Doctor Jeon! It's Jimin," Nurse Taehyung panics as he tries to catch his breath. Jungkook's smile turned into a worried expression. "What happened?" The doctor asked as he rushed to the patient's room, both of the nurse following behind him. As the three got at the 7th floor, Jimin's maniac scream rang through the hallways.

They shared a look before heading to the patient's room. There he was. Pinning a guard against the wall with a pen pointed towards the guard's throat, ready to slit it open.


The doctor called out, trying his best to sound calm. Jimin's gaze softened as he turned to look at Jungkook. He moves away, dropping the pen, acting like he didn't know what happened.

"D.. Doctor Jeon.. i-" Before the patient can even build an excuse, the guard pushed a syringe on the patient's arm. It was like the same syringe Jungkook used for Jimin at their first day. The doctor rushed to keep the patient up, as he drifted to dream land.

"Serves him right," The guard groaned and glared at the patient as he made his way out of the room. Jungkook turned to look at the two nurses. "Nurse Namjoon, please take a look if the guard has any wounds. You two may go now."

The nurses nodded and followed the guard. The doctor sighed and carried the patient to the bed, laying him down carefully. He caressed Jimin's hair and smiled at how peaceful the patient looks when he's asleep.


30 minutes passed by and Jungkook was sitting in the cafeteria with two nurses. The doctor decided to eat while waiting for the patient to wake up.

"Hoseok-ah, what are you reading?" Namjoon asked while trying to take a good look of the book. Hoseok glances at Namjoon then back at the book.

"Painter of the Night," Hoseok stated in a calm tone and takes a bite of his sandwich. Namjoon laughs and nods. "Is that your only book? You've read that for more the ten times."

"Why do you care? It's hella good," Hoseok stated while pouting and glared at the other nurse. Before they can even start bickering, Nurse Taehyung came up to their table. "Doctor Jeon."

"Oh, Nurse Taehyung. How's Jimin?" The doctor stood up upon seeing the nurse. Taehyung smiled and pulled a chair. "He's already awake, Doctor."

"That's good. Well, i gotta go." Jungkook exchanged bows with the nurses and rushed to his office. He took the plushies he bought for Jimin and wears his coat before heading to the patient's room.


"Doctor Jeon.. i didn't know what i was doing earlier," Jimin tried to convince the doctor as he continued to fidget with his fingers. Jungkook just smiled and nodded. "It's fine, Jimin. Just.. don't do that next time, yeah?"

The doctor sat down near the patient and caressed his pink locks. Jungkook was suprisingly soft when it comes to Jimin, unlike to other patients. "I have something for you, Jimin-ah."

"What is it, doctor?" Excitement can be heard in the patient's voice as the doctor showed the bunny plushies he bought. Jimin's gaze softened. He took the bunny plushies in his arms and let out a giggle. It sounded adorable for Jungkook.

"Do you like it?"

"Yes doctor."

Jungkook smiled and continues to caress the pink strands of the said patient. Jungkook would be lying if he said their session isn't full of him being whipped for Jimin. Even though sometimes, Jimin gets aggressive. His heart continues to race, as if he doesn't care about the situation.

It was weird.


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