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     >15 years later

      The forest was quiet, I had gotten out early this morning to track the newest way the Red Paladins were going to attack. I heard people coming, "can't believe you dragged me here" one of the girls on the horse said. "No one asked you to come" the other said. "Well you don't know what your doing" the first girls replied. The other girl sighed, "I do know, Gawain took the brass shield, it's the only ship that crossed the sea to the desert kingdoms" that intrigued me since they mentioned my best friend and only friend.
      Well nobody wants to go to the desert kingdoms, which should tell you something" the first one said and they rode out of sight. I hopped down from the tree I was sitting in, "better go find some food and make a small camp tonight" I mumbled to myself and went to get food.
     The forest was still very quiet so I knew I could get a rabbit or two. As I got my bow ready to shoot one rabbit I heard running and someone trip. "Ow, stupid tree root" a small boy said. I went over to the small boy, "are you ok" I asked him. He looked up at me in shock, "you're the Shadow Knight, I've heard about you" I laughed some. "I am, now would you like to answer my question" I asked him seeing if he would catch on I wanted his name.
      "Yes I'm fine, oh my name is Squirrel by the way" I nodded "that is a fine name, but I'm guessing you have an actual name you don't really like" he nodded. "Well don't worry, there is a reason everyone calls me the Shadow Knight" I winked at him and he smiled. "Now on your go back to where you live, I need to do some hunting" I told him and Squirrel waves to me and started running home.

>night fall

      I had my food cooking and decided to go to the small stream I was by to get some water. As I kneeled down to get a drink and heard footsteps, "well, well, well, look what we have here" I heard. I drew my sword at my side and put my mask back up so the couldn't see my face, I turned around to face the voice. Red Paladins, when will they ever learn. "Oh, she thinks she can wield a sword against two of us" one of them said while the other chuckled.
      I rolled my eyes, "you underestimate anyone don't you" I said while they attacked. In a few short second they were both dead, I went back to my camp and ate my food like nothing happened. I had an hour of sleep, put my fire out and went ahead to the small village fey kind lived at. I climbed a tree to stay out of sight waiting for the Red Paladins.

> morning

     I heard screams come from the village and I hopped from tree to tree to get there in time. As I got closer I could smell fire and the heavy smoke. I lept from my tree digging a dagger I had into a Paladins back. I ran towards the center and saw people being put on crosses and being killed anyway possible.
      I drew my sword and attacked as many Paladins as I could, then I froze, feeling someone else coming through the fire. I turned to look and saw the Weeping Monk, I growled to myself. I saw him dismount his horse and walk over to the leader.
     There was the girl from the road yesterday being drug towards them, I threw a small knife from my boot into the back of the Paladin dragging her and she ran. They looked at me and the Weeping Monk came to attack me. I was far better at fighting and twirled my sword around me, and took out a small dagger I had.
      He came at me first and I deflected the blow easily, I took my dagger and cut his side with it while I deflected another blow from him, causing him to grunt in a small amount of pain. "You sure know how to fight" he said and I stayed quite. I attacked this time leaving him barely anytime to deflect my attack, this time I looked into his eyes and saw someone I thought died a long time ago.
     I started to get nervous and swept his feet from under him causing him to fall. By then more fey got out alive, so I waved to him, "till next time." I got the nearest horse and rode away, stopping to get two small children on the way.

>* near the fey hideout around evening time

     "Where are we going" one of them asked. I looked at them, "A safe place." I had learned they were twins and they were 11 and there names were Dawn and Ash for Ashton. We arrived at the fey hideout and I took them inside to get looked at. When I heard they were fine I went to my best friends room area. "Knock knock, your worst nightmare is here" I heard a chuckle, "come in." I opened the door and as soon as I closed it I took off my hood and mask.
      I flopped down on Gawain bed, "ugh why do people always underestimate me" I asked in a half sarcastic tone. "Cause you're a small tiny child"Gawain said patting the top of my head. "I'm not a tiny child" I said throwing one of his pillows at him. Gawain was the only one who knew my name and what I looked like, ever since he found me and brought me here we've been basically joined at the hip.
"Well maybe you should try growing taller, and looking stronger" he said making found of my height. "Gasp" I said dramatically, I put my hand over my heart and fell back on the bed. "I've been wounded deeply" Gawain rolled his eyes at me. "You have your own room to be wounded, go in there" he said getting things ready to go out again.
"Leaving so soon, I just got here" I said looking sad and giving him a pouty face. "Duty calls, I heard there are fey children alone so I'm going to go get them" he said as I got up and gave him a hug. "Be safe then" I whispered, Gawain was also the only one who knew my past besides my very short lived childhood friend Lancelot.
I left his room and walked to mine which was a short distance away. I entered and locked my door so I could take off my hood and mask. My thoughts backtracked to my fight with the Weeping Monk. Lancelot, I thought he was dead, I could have just been imagining thing though. Many people have those kinds of eyes, but none like his. I missed him, he helped me not be so quiet and shy, he protected me when my brother wasn't around.
I tried to go to sleep but failed, so I put on my mask and hood, got my weapons on and went out for a run and to practice, not that I needed it. It helped calm my thought which I really needed right now.

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