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A/n: so I have a question, again. What would everyone think about making a story about them in like modern time, like 2018 or 2019 and them being in high school? It's just an idea, I would want to know if anyone would read it. Anyways back to the story💜💜

      We woke up a little bit ago and made a plan on what we would do once we got in the cave. I would go with Lancelot and the twins, and Gawain would go with Percival. If anything were to happen and get stuck; protect the little ones, try to stay alive, get back in a group, and get out.
We entered the cave and it looked much different than I thought it would. From the outside it looks pitch black and like nothing is in here, but once you enter it's filled with light and chests and more drawings. There were four tunnels with element symbols drawn over them. "Who want to take which tunnel" I asked them. "You choose first, this is kinda your adventure" Gawain replied. I looked at the tunnels and the elements above them, "earth, air, water, and fire" I mumbled under my breath. "Is it ok if we take fire and water?" "Alright then Percival and I will take earth and air."
     Lancelot, Dawn, Ash, and I all walked down the water tunnel, it was a staircase leading down. I could smell mixes of freshwater and saltwater, as we continued down the scent got stronger and stronger and I could see the reflection of ripples in the walls. We finally reached the last step of the staircase and I looked around in shock. This wasn't anything like I imagined. It had things like; seashells, seaweed, coral, sand, etc. just laying around. In the middle was two different pools, one was fresh and one was salt and they both were littered with fish and other water creatures in them.
     The walls were painted with stories that I've never even seen, and on ceiling was a painting on the water dragon. "This place is beautiful" I heard Dawn say. I smiled at that, well more than I already was smiling. I saw a three chests of to the side, "should we look in them" I asked gesturing to them. Lancelot nodded in agreement, "can we look in a chest" they little ones asked. "You two can look in the left one" I confirmed. They ran to it smiling, I grinned at them and felt someone brush against my arm, "you're really good with kids it seems" he stated.
    I looked at him while facing them, "ever since I started helping the fey, I've always had somewhat of a soft spot for children. But the these three, I don't know" I paused and faced him, "it just seems like I'm more connected to them, I..I know it sounds weird, but I'm they feel like..." I paused but he finished, "...family." I stared at him for a few seconds but stepped back a step and shook my head, "we should look in the other two chests."
I walked over to the one in the middle and I felt awful, every time I started to get close to him I got scared. I should just forget about it for now and focus on what we're doing. I looked at him through the chest and found a letter, it was signed by my mother. I stood up to go sit by the water to read it. I couldn't believe it, something from my mother. "What is it?" "It's a letter by my mother, I think I should wait, we need to look in the fire element" I stated. "I think I should go though, if there is fire you might not be able to take the heat" I half jokingly told them.
We walked up the stairs to find Gawain and Percival sitting waiting for us. "Find anything?" They shook their heads, "you find anything?" "I found a letter that my mother wrote, I'm waiting to read it since we haven't gone to the fire element yet" I stated. "And I think it would be best if I went by myself if there's fire down there." I felt a hand on my shoulder, "I'll go with her, make sure she doesn't get into trouble" I heard Lancelot tell Gawain, to hopefully make him not worry. Gawain agreed and we headed through the halfway to the fire element.
I could feel it get a little hotter as we continued to walk, I took off my cape leaving me in my black pants and tank top. "Gettin a little to hot for you" he questioned me. I lightly punched his arm while he took off his cape. "Nope" I said making the 'p' pop. He grinned at that which made me smile and blush some.

Why does Dakota have to act this way? I feel like she may flirt with me, we get kinda close, but then she back away and changes topics. Girls, they're so confusing. "Whatcha lookin at" I heard her say and I realized I was staring at her. "Uhhh....I...uh...nothing, I was just wondering how long this hallway was" I tried to recover from being embarrassed. I felt my face heat up from embarrassment and from the girl that was currently walking beside me, jeez, why do I have to have a crush on my ex-enemy now friend that was my former friend who I thought died. Ya, that's not complicated at all.
I remembered something she said before she left that night. "I'm a monster, and the last thing I want, is him to see me the way I am. A monster."
That night I was upset, why would she think she's a monster? Does she think I was going to see her as a monster? Before I could finish my thoughts we walked into a room that had different variations of flames dancing across the room.

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