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She looked so broken, she called herself monster and I let her go. I walked back to our camp after being on watch the rest of the night and everyone was awake eating some food from last night. "Where's Dakota" I got asked. "She needed some alone time and started to head to the mountain" I told them sitting down. She'll be fine she can handle herself.


       I was in the middle of running from a few Paladins again. Seems like they always go after me. I turned a corner and hid behind a bush waiting for them to run past, I was on foot since they caught me by a river and I had to leave my horse behind. They ran past and I waited a few minutes before going back in the road. Sometimes I think I like being chased.
      I was close to a village and decided I would stop there even though it's still dangerous. I never really wore my hood and mask anymore so people always stared at me and whispered things behind my back, but I didn't really care. Most of things were right so, can't blame them.
        I had walking around for a while, I purchased some food and drink with what little money I had. Word was getting out already that The Shadow Night was here, probably my clothes gave it away. I wasn't really worried, but who knows what anybody has up there sleeve. "What do we have here, Ooooo, we have a freak" I recognized that voice, it was one of the kids from my village.
       I turned around to face him, I was still short so I had to look up some. "Ya I'm a freak, can I go now" I said hatefully. He laughed and some more of his friends came over to us. "We all know you're just a fake, you can't actually fight" they chuckled at their dumb leader. "I would appreciate if you let me go on my way, wouldn't want to hurt your pretty face" I said laced with sarcasm. Apparently they didn't like that, so they tried to throw a punch or two. I easily blocked there punches and threw a few of my own actually hitting them.
I knocked one out and another came up behind me putting me in a headlock. "Give up and we won't hurt you anymore" he whispered into my ear. "Don't have you brother or that little runt here to save you now" the one That has me in a headlock continued to whisper. That's when I had it, I took out a small knife and stabbed him making him stumble back.
I glared at him, "I'm not a kid anymore, and I certainly don't need protection." I pocketed the knife knocking the leader out as I grabbed my things. I walked out of the town and continued to the mountain.


I woke up in a strange place and I couldn't tell where I was at. "Morning sleeping beauty" a low voice said and I jumped. I was handed a cup of water, "didn't mean to scare you, my names Mason" he introduced himself. "Nimue" I replied, "ahh the wolf blood witch, I've heard of you." I looked at him and he gave me a sincere look. "How did I survive" I questioned him. "I found you on the edge of a river, brought you back here and healed you." He looked at me explaining and I felt I was getting tired again. "I think I might lay down and get some more rest" I told him. "That would be best, I've also had a bird come by multiple times. The same bird, would you like me to wake you the next time it comes" he asked and I nodded my head. They're trying to see if I'm alive, that made me hopeful.

>Days later

      I arrived at the foot of the mountain waiting for my friends I hadn't seen in so long. I had tied my horse that I got a day or two ago and let her graze. I was kicking some rocks around and carving a stick with a knife trying to pass time. "Had waiting become boring to you" I heard a familiar voice yell to me. I jumped up and ran to give them hugs, "took you people long enough."
     After catching up and telling them all the trouble I got into, only to be given lectures by both of them. "Jeez, if I'd known I was gonna get lectured I would have gone up the mountain already" I said jokingly. They both gave me flares and I held up my hands, "alright no joking."
We made our way up the mountain and after a lot of walking we made it close to the entrance. We set up camp so we could start looking in the morning. I was tired since I hadn't slept in days and laid down to sleep.

"Don't trust anyone once you enter the cave"

The Shadow Night- A Cursed FanficWhere stories live. Discover now