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>two days later

We had been riding our horses for a while now, "where are we going" Percival asked. "I don't know, we need to be careful right now" I replied over my shoulder. "It's getting a little dark, I think we should stop for the night" Lance said and I agreed.
We stopped by a tree and ruins of a castle, I recognized the place. It was where Merlin and Nimue met. "I'll go look for wood for the fire" I said dismounting there horse. "Don't go to far" I was warned. "You do know I can protect myself right" I said sarcastically.
I had gotten back with an armful of sticks and set them in a pile for the fire. "Why don't you ever use the gifts you have" Percival asked me. "I was....bullied a lot when I was little, about being different, so I don't use them as much" I confessed.
I heard Percival mumble something to himself, "I think I'm going to go look around the ruins for a while" I told them. "Do you want me to come with you" Lance asked. "I think it would be better to stay here with Perc" I told him.
I entered the ruins and felt a wavy of uncertainty hit me, I shouldn't be here but oh well. I continued to walk through the ruins and saw a space I could climb up. I got up to the top of the pillar and could see our small camp. The view was amazing, the sun had just gone down so I could see the moon and stars shining brightly. I stood up feeling the breeze, it made my hair blow back exposing my ears which I so dearly hated, but at the moment I didn't care.
I smelled the air and got the scents of fey, smoke, and rain. The smell of rain always calmed me, it was best for me to fight in rain. There is always a calm before the storm, I thought to myself making me smile. "Get down" I heard a voice say. I looked around and saw no one, I got one last view and climbed down.
Missing the view I started to walk back to the other two, "run" I heard the voice again. I unsheathes my sword and slowly turned in a circle. "Hey are you" I heard but the voice was cut short when I turned quickly with my sword still out. "Sorry, are you ok" Lancelot said as I sheathed my sword and walked over to him. "Ya, just thought I heard something."
We walked back in silence and I sat by the fire, staring into it making the flames jump. "What can you do with fire" Percival asked me. I got up, "I can make it dance, jumps, make shapes and animals" I said dancing and jumping like a crazy person. "But it can also show me danger, weakness, and torture" I said. "But sometimes that can be a good thing" I finished sitting back down.
"Can you tell me a story, any story, even if it is made up" Percival asked, practically begging. "Ok" I finally gave in smiling. "My brother used to tell me this story" Percival was staring at me and I could tell Lancelot was too, I nodded my head toward the fire for them to watch it.

"Once there was a great King who had the most beautiful Queen, but she held a secret that would terrify everyone in the kingdom and make her be cast out. She never told anyone but her husband could tell she always wanted to tell him something. One night he finally asked her about it, he told her he would not be afraid." I paused taking a drink of water and continuing, "she told him that she was decent from the great fire dragon, the dragon the only a legend but her husband believed her. He said that she would join the lands and myths between."
"They were expecting a baby when word got out, people believed the king only married the queen because he was spelled. The king was angered by this, but so were the people. They cast out their queen, nobody except the ones living in the castle knew she was going to be a mother."
"She ran to the mountain caves where legend said the dragons once lived. The ones who saw her go to the caves thought she died, but others heard that night the roar of a dragon."
"A dragon descended into the kingdom, burning everything down. Everyone thought the king had died by the claws of the dragon, but he was not even hurt with a single flame. When he came from the kingdom he explained to one person that he thought the dragon was the queen."
"For when he looked into the eyes of the beast, he only saw his wife. He believed that the dragon was his wife, so he set out looking for her. He went to the caves and never came back out" I finished and the fire had went dim holding no story.
"What happened to the king, and what about the child" Percival questioned. "Some say the king found his wife and reunited, other say he was slain and killed by the beast since he was spared only once." "As for the child, nobody knows of it, the child could be alive or dead" I finished. "Alright, I think that's enough story telling for one night" Lancelot cut in before Percival could ask anymore questions. "You should go to sleep and rest" he said to both me and Percival.
Everyone was asleep but I heard a yell.
"Leave them"

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