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I found a book about shadows that was laying on my mother's bed. I looked through it and found something interesting, "being able to control shadows?" I read through the page and found it kinda helpful so I decided to bring the book, a fire and water book, and a book on dragons. I found a small backpack and put the thing I found in it and started towards the door. I heard mumbled yelling and the crackling of fire. Lost of fire.
       I ran out of the shadow and saw the outside of the cave was on fire and we were stuck, the fire was starting to come inside the cave and we didn't have anywhere to go. "Dakota!" I heard my name being yelled and I ran over to everyone. "Is everyone ok, what happened" I questioned very worried. "Red Paladins, they found us and set fire to a few trees outside to trap us in here, is there any way you could put it out" Gawain asked me.
     I tried to bring down the wall of fire and couldn't. "I can't" I said feeling like I failed. "We have a while before the fire reaches us, maybe it could start raining?" Percival said optimistically. They went looking for a way out and I stood by the fire trying to get the wall down. I sat down feeling defeated, "it's no use" I said putting my head in my hands.

I woke up after feeling very hot like I was on fire or next to one. Mason walked into the small toon I stayed in, "I think your friends are in trouble" he told me and I got worried. "Where are they?" He was hesitant at first, "Starlight mountain."
I was shocked, "that's the mountain legend to having dragons living there" I stated and questioned. Mason nodded his head. "If you're going to go, you're gonna need some help getting there" he told me. "I know Dakota or as you call her The Shadow Night." I was more confused than ever. "She's my niece."

"Are you sure there is no other way out" I asked again. "We're sure" Lancelot replied. "I can't get the wall down, it's already gotten closer to us" I sighed in defeat. "We have nowhere to go" I slid down to the ground. "I'm supposed to protect people, I should at least be able to draw enough fire to let you guys get out but I'm to weak" I said throwing a rock at the wall of fire looming over all of us.
I felt Lancelot sit down beside me, he put his hand on mine. "You've done your best, you've protected as many fey you could." He paused kissing my forehead, "now we just need to wait and see what happens, everything happens for a reason right?" We sat there his hand on mine and my head in his shoulder, maybe Gawain was right, it wouldn't be bad to show some emotion.

I watched Dakota an Lancelot's interaction and smiled. "Do they like each other" dawn asked me. "I think so" I answered her. She smiled, "maybe she found someone to dance with" she said before she walked over to her twin. Percival walked up to me, "she found him again" he said. I looked at him confused. "When we got back from the windmill I went to talk to her by a stream. She told me about her knowing him when they were kids."
They knew each other, I smiled at that. That's why she was able to bring out a good side in him.

"When did you know it was me" he asked me. "I had my suspicions but I knew for sure that day at the windmill. When you heard your name, that was me." He looked at me with wide eyes, "that's why you saved me." I nodded my head recalling me saving him from a fatal blow.
We sat there content, finally being able to be near each other again. It was only now that I realized how much I missed him. I guess something come back around, looks like we might die together. Except this time it's going to be a the hands of fire and not people.
I sat up thinking I was hearing thunder, then he looked at me and I knew I wasn't the only one to hear it. We stood up and I heard lighting strikes along with thunder and yelling. All of a sudden the wall of fire was slowly falling down. Once the fire was gone behind revealed Nimue and another person standing next to her. Gawain went to go hug Nimue and I stared at the person next to her, he seemed so familiar. "Dakota" he said and I froze not knowing what to do.
He walked up to me and I could feel Lancelot take my hand reassuring either him or me. "You look just like your mother" he said and I was shocked. "You know my mother?" "She was my sister, which means I'm your uncle."

The Shadow Night- A Cursed FanficWhere stories live. Discover now