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For the second time I was awake but wasn't and I was around people again.
"We need to move in on them, we know where they are" some like said and I turned around seeing someone suggest. It was the Holy Trinity and the Trinity Guard circling them. "We need to wait until the girl figures out her powers, she can help us. She will get us what we need."
I started feeling queasy and my mind was racing. I felt like I was having a panic attack.
"You have one week," one of the leaders said before walking out, "and bring the weapon."
     I followed a small group down into what looked like a dungeon. They opened up and door and I saw a boy around my age with scales on his skin. I was shocked, I bent down to look at them and they looked like dragon scales. They gave him food and water then left.
     "Why are you here" he asked and I knew he was asking me. "How do you know that I'm here?" I asked a little shocked. "What you're in is a state of Dragon Infinity, you can be asleep and go anywhere" he explained. "Other dragons whether they are stuck in dragon form, human form, or half way in between can communicate with each other" he continued to explain.
     "Wait, so I have dragon blood?" He nodded his head and I was even more confused. "You need to go, you need to wake up. There coming, warn the people you're with." He finished and the door opened and I woke up.

I shot straight up and startled everyone around me. "They have a weapon" I said taking in my surroundings. Everyone looked at me confused. "I need to talk to you four" I said nodding to Gawain, Lancelot, Mason, and Nimue.
Percival, Ash, and Dawn went to play or practice fighting, they were always up to something. "What is it you need to talk about that you ignored your health as soon as you woke up" Lancelot asked and Gawain halfheartedly glared at me. "The Trinity, they have a weapon and they are going to attack in one week, I know it sounds crazy that I know this but trust me."
They continued to stare at me, "it was a boy about our age, stuck between being dragon and human" I said that and it caught Mason's attention. "He was in human form but had dragon scales littered in patches and he had nubs on his back where wings should go."

After a while of talking about what we were going to do we decided to move for now and find a spot to stay.
They were going to go tell the children and I stopped Mason. "Mason, do I have dragon blood and what is Dragon Infinity?" He looked at me shocked again, "yes, you do have dragon blood. And Dragon Infinity is the ability to walk through places in a dream like state, only a certain very rare species of Dragon People has it." I thought about it for a second, "what species can do it?" "Shadow Dragons."
I thought about it while everyone was asleep and it made sense, I could travel through shadows, I've always been able to see through them completely if I wanted to, and I could see in the dark like I could see in the day. I was spooked from my thoughts by a body sitting next to me. "Thought you would want some company, but it seems like your thought are enough" Lancelot jokes and I laughed a little at it. "There's that smile of yours." He only realized what he said and I was blushing, but I could see slight color on his face.
"I apparently have dragon blood and come from a rare species of dragon people called Shadow Dragons" I rambled to him. "How do you feel about that" he asked me. "I honestly don't know, that just gives me more reason to confirm what I think about myself" I answered him truthfully. He didn't seem confused but rather a little upset. "What are getting upset about" I asked him a little harshly by accident.
He stood up since I was already standing, "I'm upset because you think you're a monster when you're not, you're completely perfect, you don't scare people l, they look up to you. Why do you think that you are a monster? Is it because of the things you've done? Well guess what we've all done things wrong, but we get over them" he basically yelled at me. I stood there shocked no longer pacing. "Y..you heard me that night" I whispered barely audible.
He realized what he said for about the hundredth time tonight and hugged me. "I'm sorry for yelling at you, and yes a I heard you that night and I'm sorry for listening in" he whispered to me and I felt like I was going to cry. He ran his hand through my hair while I cried, that's when it happened.
Everything happened so fast. There was fire everywhere and I heard everyone yelling mine and Lancelot's name looking for us. They found us then a wall of fire separated all of us from the outside world and from the fire walked the boy. He was grinning ear to ear, then it dawned on me. He wanted us to move away from our safety, he's with them willingly.

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