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[Weeping Monk] {bet you didn't see that coming}

    I thought about the fight I shared with the one they called Shadow Night. Why did she look so familiar, her eyes looked like the eyes of a small girl he used to know. Dakota, I thought she was dead along with her brother and father. I wanted to help them but I was taken by the Red Paladins, they showed me that fey were unnatural beings and I were to hunt them. But those light purple eyes were ones I saw as a boy that I've forgotten until now.

>a few days

    I sat next to the girl from the road which I learned her name, Nimue. "Squirrel said he saw you in the woods before they attacked" I looked at her and nodded. "Why didn't you come into the village sooner" she asked. "If I came to your home, I feel like I would have been cast away" I paused, "I would have scared the children and nobody normally listens to me when I say they are going to be attacked soon" I finished and looked away.
      I got up, "we should be heading to the joining" I said and Nimue walked out to see everyone. We ran into someone and I sensed man blood, "Arthur this is the Shadow Knight" Nimue said and Arthur stuck his hand out to shake mine. I just stared at it and he drew his hand away. "You should go dance" I nodded to where people were dancing. "That is a good idea" Arthur said and offered Nimue his hand. I smiled which no one could see and gently pushed Nimue towards Arthur.
     They danced and had a good time, "why aren't you dancing" a girl asked me. I turned and say Dawn. "It's not for me" Dawn looked at me funny and her twin brother came up beside her. "Can you believe this Ash" she paused and pointed to me, "she doesn't dance." Ash looked at me and back to his sister, "dancing isn't for everyone, but do you want to dance little sister" Ash asked Dawn in which Dawn nodded and they went dancing.
      Everyone went quiet and started whispering about the Green Knight. I made my way to the front by Nimue and saw Gawain enter along with some children. Gawain took off his helmet and looked at Nimue, "Gawain" Nimue asked and went to hug him. "I haven't seen you in so long" Gawain said to Nimue. I looked over and Arthur looked jealous, "don't be so jealous" I said to Arthur.
      Gawain turned to me and said hello to me. "You two know each other" Nimue asked. "We're like siblings" Gawain responded, "ya if you count you being rude to me 'like a sibling', then yes we're like siblings" I said to him. Nimue laughed and I received a pinch in my side from Gawain, which I smacked him and made Nimue laugh even more.

> an hour or two

     We heard a scream cry out and made our way to it, Nimue day beside Morgana, "get away from me" Morgana cried out. Nimue say next to her, "what happened" I asked, "there's been news, Yvoire Abbey has been burnt down" Morgana cried. "Celia" Nimue asked looking at Morgana, and she shook her head. Nimue hugged her tight and Arthur sat next to her.
      I went back to my room, after a few minutes I heard a knock at my door. "Come in" I said a little loud. Gawain opened the door and walked in, "I had a feeling you weren't telling me everything the day you came back" he stayed and sat down next to me on my bed.
     I looked at him and looked back down at my feet. "I ran into the Weeping Monk for the first time" he just stared at me. "Why wouldn't you tell me" he asked, "I didn't think it was all too important." I looked at him and my eyes grew a slight shade darker. I grew quiet, "he reminded me of someone I knew when I looked him in the eyes." Gawain sat next to me and pulled me into a hug.
    I started crying a little bit, I hated crying but I knew Gawain would judge me for it. "I'm gonna let you get some sleep, you look like you need it" he said and I laughed shoving him a little bit. He got up and headed to my door, "seriously though, get some sleep" he said before leaving. I did what he said and fell asleep but only for like 3 hours.

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