"Im just not hungry." Pt. 1

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Anorexia and possibly suicide thoughts
Also not despair AU

It was like any other day at the high school hopes peak academy, students were still entering school since it's morning. The biggest liar, Kokichi was messing with the ultimate inventor, Miu.
"Ok, so Miu. Do you think robots have dicks?"
"The fuck how am I to know?"
"Wellllll you're close to kiiboy are you not?"
"Shut your mouth you disgusting gremlin."
"Aww miu why are you so mean!" He started to fake cry.
"Shut up your cries are annoying!"
"You should tell me that when you're done looking like a slut."
"Well at least I'm not fucking short and fat."
"Shut up."
After a couple more insults Kaede came around the corner with Shuichi , "Hey you two, stop fighting before it goes too far!"
"Whatever." Kokichi responded and walked to other direction. Recently it seems he has been avoiding Shuichi for some reason.
Shuichi looked at Kaede, "should I go after him?"
Miu laughed, "no way, he's a lying brat, probably just acting emotional for attention!"
"Miu that's not nice!" Kaede scolded her, as Shuichi felt bad.
~at lunch~
Kokichi was sitting on the roof drawing, even though it's lunch, he decided not to eat. After a few minutes Kiibo went up their to join him,
"Hello kokichi!"
"Hi kiiboy! Where's Avocado, he usually come with you,"
"He's waiting in line to get his food."

~kokichi POV~
Kiiboy went and sat near me,
"Where's your food? Don't humans normally eat at this time?" He asked me
"Ha, like hell I would eat school lunch. It's disgusting and I'm not interested in it." Yeah that's right, I just don't like it. Nothing else. I say to try to convince myself.
"Then you should bring your own food to school."
"Nah, lunch is a useless meal anyways."
"Oh, alright then."
I went back to drawing. Was I hungry? Yes, but it's probably just that thing humans do. You know when you get bored you eat? That's definitely what it is. I'm not actually hungry.. I think.
Later Rantaro finally comes out.
"Hey, ouma are you not hungry?"
"Yep, school lunch is gross, I'll eat when I get home." I responded. But the truth is, I'll probably not eat for the rest of the day. That doesn't really matter though.
"Alright, oh and, Shuichi told me to ask you, why are you avoiding him."
"He's so dumb for a detective. I'm not avoiding him, he just hasn't talked to me, and I have no reason to speak with him myself."
I am actually avoiding Shuichi. He may be dumb for a detective, but he is a detective, and I don't want him to catch onto me.
"Oh, alright, I'll tell him that later."

It's now the next day, I arrive at school, and go in to see who to bother this morning. Once I walked in I looked around for a target, but before I can do anything, someone grabs my grab and starts pulling me. As I'm being pulled, I looked up to see, Shuichi. He's the one pulling me. After a couple minutes of me complaining and gone walking, he stops.
"Why are you avoiding me?" He asked.
"Huh?" Wait- I cant let him be close to me, he'll find out. Make up a insult- a lie, that'll work-
I smile at him and respond, "cause you're so boring."
He looked surprised, and a bit angry. Then I walked away. Before I turned around a corner, I checked back once more. And I think he was crying... over me?
I walked to the cafeteria. It's still pretty early til class starts, so I can still annoy people.
I saw Kaito talking to Maki. Target acquired.
I walked up to them, "heyyyy guyyyys!"
Maki sighed, "what do you want kokichi."
"Awww can't I just talk to some of my favorite people in the world?"
"Do you want to die?"
As me and maki had our friendly conversation kaito was silent.
"Hey Kokichi, are you feeling ok?" He finally spoke up.
"I mean, you just look a bit more paler then usual,"
I froze for a moment. I have to get out of here.
"Ha! Kai~Chan is such a idiot! I've always been pale-"
"I know that. Just I want to make sure you're ok?" He seemed like he was questioning himself more.
"You're a absolute idiot. Get your eyes checked, I think theirs something wrong with them. Anyways I'm leaving before you say another stupid thing." And I started to walk off.

~kaito POV~
I watch kokichi walk off and looked back at maki.
"That was.. weird." I told her.
She seemed to keep looking at him, and finally at me.
"I think you're onto something. He started acting kinda, worried when you said that."
"Yeah.. but there's another thing I'm worried about, Shuichi isn't here yet. Should we go find him?"
"... yeah let's go look for him."
We started walking down some of the hallways, many kids weren't in them, usually people put away their bags and go find their friends.
After a bit of walking, maki grabs me and turns us around.
"I hear him,"
"You do?"
"I think he's in the bathroom. Go check."
I nod, and walk inside, and I started hearing what she heard.
It sounded like someone was crying, wait it's not just crying- I recognized it, it's Shuichi crying-!
It's coming from one of the stall,
"Hey Shuichi, sidekick?"
The crying quieted, "k-kaito..?"
"Hey Shuichi, it's me, the luminary of the stars," he paused for a moment. "I need to talk about Kokichi."

~third person~
Kaito suddenly barged into the stall and locked the door. Shuichi was uncomfortable, and tried to wipe his tears.
"Hey it's ok, I'm not gonna do anything."
Kaito eventually calmed Shuichi down.
"So what was it you need to talk about?" Shuichi asked kaito.
"Well, I've notice a few weird things with kokichi. I mean, he's a lot skinnier, and it almost seems like he's pushing people away."
"... I was actually crying cause of what kokichi said to me."
"Wha- oh what happened?"
"Well kokichi just, be called me boring. And I've just been trying to help him that it confused, and hurt me."
"He- He said that?"
"Maybe he's trying to keep me away from him.. I just want to help him."
"I understand that, let's go back to Maki so we all can talk to her. Are you ok?"
"Yeah, let's go."

~Kokichi POV~
I was walking to class when I saw Rantaro. Maybe I should stop and take to him. Don't do it. He will catch on... Act like your done with him...
"Hey Kokichi!"
As I was trying to walk past him, he grabbed my arm.
"Kokichi, Hey what's going on?"
"Shut up Rantaro. I'm heading to class."
"Woah hey, hey what's wrong? Talk to me."
"NOTHINGS WRONG. I'm just done with you, You're useless to me, I don't need you." I quickly slapped his hand off me. And walked into class. I heard Rantaro continuously shout my name, getting people to stare at us.
It was now the middle of class. And we have a paper to finish... but we have to work with someone, the teacher chooses.
The worst part is I got stuck with... Miu.
She makes me feel uncomfortable, and less confident. Bit this is fine. It's fine.
"Ok short shit, let's finish this work, you're too disgusting for me to look at too long."
"Just shut up... one of us should do the front, and the other should do the back."
"How about I do none of it."
"Well I'm not gonna fuckin do all of it."
"Well I guess it'll never get finished!"
"Come on, just do some of this, it's not that hard to not be a dick for once."
"Why don't you taaaa-" miu kept talking, but I count hear it, everything went silent for me. And I started to feel dizzy, as a ringing started in my ears. I couldn't keep my eyes open... then I blacked out.

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