"Is it true?"

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Had this as a dream, so here's some angst-

"You're so annoying Kokichi. I honestly am just dating you out of pity."
"I honestly just didn't have the courage to turn you down."
What are you talking about?
Why can't I respond?
Why won't they stop.

I sat up in my bed, Shuichi and kaito sleeping next to me.
It was just a dream.
That virtual reality game ended about a year ago, but I can't shake what happened in the game.
I quietly got up, and left the room. I don't know where I'm going, but I just need to be alone.
'You're alone Kokichi, you always will be.'
Maybe Shuichi is right. It's so difficult to believe Kaito and Shuichi loves me, and just forgives me for what's I did.
When I come back to reality, I realize I'm outside the house. The house I share with everyone from the killing game. I take a seat on the sidewalk.
"What's wrong with me? Why can't I just trust them, why do they want to help me so much? I was their enemy." I felt my eyes start to water.

"What are you doing outside?"
I quickly look behind me to see who said that. It was Maki,
"I could ask you the same thing."
"I heard someone walk out the door. Now what about you."
I looked away from her, and she sat down next to me.
"Oh, I see. You should know, they do love you."
"Why should I believe you, out fo everyone you especially hate me."
"... Shuichi and Kaito were my first friends. I want the best for them."
I stayed silent again.
"Kokichi look at me."
I hesitantly look at Maki.
"I know you did a lot of wrong stuff in the game. But I guess I did too. I even did bad things before the game. But you aren't like that anymore."
"... I... It's still difficult. People still hate me, and I still don't trust anyone. Hell I barely trust Shuichi and Kaito. I don't think that is ok."
"You should talk to them. Communication is key after all."
"I don't want to annoy them by waking them up."
"Kokichi. Go talk to them. If you don't wake them up to talk to them, I will."
She said that sternly.
"... ok, I'll talk to them."
I got up and looked at Maki. She gave me a nod and I went back inside.
I open the door to the room I share with my beloveds, and walk in while they're still sleeping. I think about what Maki said, and thought if I actually wake them up. But as I was going back into the bed, kaito, who's next to me wakes up.
"Oh, hi Kai-chan.. c... can you wake up Shuichi? I need to talk to you guys.."
"Hmm? Oh yeah," Kaito sits up, and turns over to wake up Shuichi, as Kokichi started feeling guilty.

After Shuichi and Kaito woke up, I sighed and thought about what to say to them.
"I'm sorry I woke you guys up... but... I had a dream."
"Oh what happened Kokichi? Are you ok?" Shuichi asked me.
"No.. I'm sorry, but, I had this dream.... and, you guys were there... and you said... You said you actually didn't love me.. I'm sorry this is annoying-"
Kaito hugs me.
"Kokichi, no matter what, me and Shuichi here love you no matter what. Whatever happened in your dream isn't true, we are always gonna be here for you."
"Kaito is right Kokichi, we really care for you."
Shuichi also hugs me...

606 words
Sorry it's kinda bad, I just had this as a dream and wanted to write it

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