Bad thoughts

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Request by @Kin_komeada
⚠️S*lf h*rm and su*cide attempt⚠️

Of course.
The day after Ryoma's death, and Kirumi's execution, they start dating..
Shuichi and Kaito.
I mean, it's not like I care anyways. If I finish my plan, I'll die anyways.
I'll just finish my plan later.
I walked out my room, I should find someone to bother, so no one gets suspicious of me. I look around, trying to find someone specific.
After I walked outside, there I saw her. The perfect victim to annoy, Maki.
She's just sitting under the tree alone, so I throw my hands behind my head, I put on ,y smile, and walked up to her.
"Heyyyyyy Maki-roll! Why are you over here looking all depressed Nishishi~"
"Hey! Don't ignore me! I'll cry-"
"Ok shut up. Do you want to die?"
"Besides the point, what's wrong! Are you being all sad and stuff cause your daddy left you!?"
"Daddy? Are you talking about Kaito? We weren't dating."
"Yeah but he was always with you, now he'll just always be with Shuichi, no wonder you're so s-"
"Shut up won't you? Kaito is able to be with anyone he wants. It doesn't bother me. Look like it's bothering you though,"
"W-what? Why would I care about them! I hate them, they are nothing to me."
Now thinking about it. I am talking about myself. Kaito and Shuichi won't listen to me anymore, or probably even let me mess with them.
"I never brought them up, you did. I could care less about their relationship. We all still hang out, but you aren't wrong. They definitely won't deal with your shit anymore."
She got up, and started walking away while i stood there speechless. Maybe Maki is right, I mean, no one even likes me here anyways.
I started hearing someone walking by, so I quickly changed expressions, and decided to just go back to room.
As walking, sure enough I pass Himiko with Tenko.
"Hey degenerate! What are you doing walking around here all suspicious!" Tenko got into a stand,
"Oh come on Tenten! I'm just walking around!" I smile,
"That's suspicious! And you can't call me that you degenerate male."
"Neyh, come on Tenko. He's not worth our time,"
They continue walking, and I go back to my room.
What do I do?
That's not important, after this killing game, I'll die anyways. Right.
I plopped down on my bed.
Did.. did Shuichi and Kaito dating really bother me?
Suddenly my eyes are drawn to something in my room...
"Maybe.... it won't hurt to try.."
I walk over to the knife in my room. I originally had this knife for a different plan, but I decided that plan was too dangerous.
I picked it up... I looked down at the knife thinking about what I'm doing.
It doesn't matter.
Nothing does.
I put it to my wrist, feeling it already cutting my skin.
The feeling didn't satisfy me enough, so I pressed deeper.
After I felt satisfied where the knife was, I Sliced it around my wrist tearing my skin.
Then I did it again.
Then again.
After I felt satisfied, I looked back at my wrist.
It was bleeding in multiple places, and my blood was falling to the floor.
After I realize what I've done, I quickly went into my bathroom to clean, and bandage my wrist back up.
It's the next day, when I woke up, my arms felt sore.
Instead of going to the dining hall this morning, I'll just continue working on my plan.
After awhile of planning, I heard a knock at the door.
"Kokichi?" I heard Kaito outside my door.
"Hey, kokichi are you I'm there?" And, Shuichi?
I got up and went to open my door, throwing on my usual facade.
"Heyyy Shumai, and Kai-Chan."
I throw a smile on, as it seems they sigh in relief.
"What are you both seriously worried about me? Hehe~ almost like you love me!"
"You just didn't show up to breakfast, why?"
"To plan a murder obviously!"
"... well we just wanted to make sure you're ok. You know people don't like you because of your lying." Shuichi said
"Whhaaa! You don't like me! That's so mean!" I got fake tears in my eyes
"Oh quit the act! This is why people don't like you. We just wanted to check up on you, because no one else would." Kaito said.
"Oh? Well that's ok! Cause I already hate everyone!"
"Sigh, lets get going Shuichi. We have no reason to waste our time here,"
Shuichi looked at Kaito, "Yeah." As they were turning to walk away I shut my door.
I messed up again, didn't I?
I'm hungry, I should go get a panta.
After awhile of waiting at my door, to make sure Shuichi and Kaito are gone, I open my door and walk out.
After making it to the dining hall, I saw Miu talking with Himiko and Tenko.
I was just silently walking past them, having no reason to speak with them, when Miu spoke up.
"Ha! Look who finally showed themself, probably hiding in their room so everyone gets worried, it would've been better if you'd died."
"Miu that's kinda harsh-" Himiko started saying.
"Nishishi~ well Miu! More the reason to stay alive! I hate you all, so you hating me does nothing! But I guess I'll think about your request." I responded.
And with that, I walked away, into the kitchen.
I got my panta, and I'm sitting in my room.
I know Miu is just a bitch, but, she may be right. I mean, no one really does need me here, and if I do die.
Someone can just look at my plans and save everyone else, they don't need me to do it.
I look at that knife I left on my floor, with blood on it still. I looked down at my bandaged arm.
What am I talking about, of course they don't need me.
Maybe, I can just... die..
Suddenly I was in had the bathroom,  knife in hand, and had it to my throat.
That doesn't matter.
I thought about this one more time.
If I want this to be painless, then I gotta do this quick.
But... don't I deserve to feel pain..?
I suddenly hear the bathroom door slam open,
I heard Kaito's voice.
He ran over, and grabbed my wrists, pulling the knife away.
I tried to struggle to get him off me, but he had a strong grip.
"Let go of me!"
"Kokichi calm down!" Great, Shuichi is here too.
He runs over as well, grabbing the knife out of my hand.
I kept struggling thrashing around my arms, shouting things.
Kaito holding onto my slit wrist, and my moving around definitely doesn't help this situation. I mean he doesn't know about it, but still.
"Kokichi cut this out! We're trying to help you!"
"I don't want your help!"
While struggling, I felt a liquid come down my face, making me realize I was crying. I calmed down a bit, as Kaito pulls me into a hug, and Shuichi joins in.
"I...I don't understand you two." I sad to them.
Out of everyone, why would they want to help me..?
"That's ok, we're here now." Shuichi said.
I felt Kaito move his hands to my arm.
"You're bleeding, do your u mind if I check it?"
And Kaito was right, my arm was bleeding, through the bandages, that probably needed changing, and through my sleeve.
I'm already dealing with this, but what if they get mad about-
"Hey, it's ok,"
"You don't have to explain anything. I just want to help you."
"I... Fine. I don't care,"
Even though I gave a bitchy response, That was enough for him.
After Kaito and Shuichi, helped me, they were staying around me for the rest of the day.
"So Kokichi, c... can I ask you why you did that?"
"Heh, it's a dumb reason."
"Dumb or not, it's definitely bothering you."
As I was trying to think of a lie, I guess Shuichi noticed.
"Please be honest."
"Ha, doesn't matter anyways, well, it was.. your relationship?"
"Relationship? You mean me and Shuichi dating?" Kaito asked.
"Well, yeah. I kinda liked both of you.. see I told you it was dumb-"
"That's funny, me and Shuichi were talking about this earlier? That's the whole reason we came here in the first place?"
"Well, we both realized, we liked you, and we liked each other... so if it doesn't both you guys, we could, all be together?"
"A-are you serious?"
Shuichi and Kaito both nodded.
"Then, Hell Yes is the answer!"

1467 words, I didn't know how to end this, but it's finally
Also sorry if it's not too good

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2020 ⏰

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