Siriusly Subtle

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Euphemia had caved. After many hours and a bit of bribery, she had caved. The thing that won her over was Fleamont telling her that she could always just leave the house if things got too chaotic.

The Marauders and Marlene had set up camp at the Potter house. She had arrived there as soon as Sirius flooed over to her house and told her Euphemia said yes. Which was just yesterday.

What James's mother hadn't known was how they planned on getting the other girls to the manor. She was usually well informed, yet in this case she was quite the opposite.

So, she also didn't know that at midnight all five of them apparated to the address Lily had given him for Petunia's wedding.

Four other people that weren't aware of this plan were Lily, Mary, Julia and Minnie. One might think that if the plan directly involved you, they may tell you, but something the Marauders thrived on was their element of surprise.

"Holy shit! They might've actually managed to build a house bigger than yours, Potter!" Marlene practically screamed in surprise at how big the house was.

"Lily's been living the rich life this entire summer and I didn't even know!" Peter squeaked.

"She's been hating it though. Apparently, Petunia has been more of a bitch lately." Marlene said as she led the group to the front door.

She was a natural born leader, always has been. Growing up with three older brothers made her that way. Marlene had learned at a young age that if she wanted to be listened to, she had to have a strong presence in the room.

James stepped up and rang the doorbell, even though Sirius had voiced his doubts that someone would answer. They all had forgotten Minnie was at the house and were pleasantly surprised when she answered the door.

"Dearest Minnie! How nice to see you at this fine hour!" Sirius said louder than usual since they weren't at school. So, she could not technically punish him.

"I told Miss Evans to tell you not to show up at her doorstep! Especially at this fine hour!" Minnie replied grumpily.

"She did, but these two bimbos wanted the entire group together." Remus pointed to Sirius and James as he spoke.

"Well, what are you five doing here?" She expectantly tapped her foot as the summer breeze blew by.

Another one of Marlene's strengths was her natural charm. She could charm her way in and out of any situation she wanted. So, she used it in this situation.

"I'm very sorry we came here uninvited, Professor, but we would prefer if you let us come and take the girls with us."

Minnie was very good at seeing through her student's charm. Especially these five students. Yet, she didn't have the energy to deny them what they wanted, so she let them enter.

James grew up in a large home, so his jaw didn't drop at the expensive inside. Marlene and Remus were captivated by their mission of finding Lily and Mary, so it didn't faze them either. Sirius was most captivated by the kitchen and told them he was going to take a field trip in the "mountain of food." Peter followed Sirius's footsteps.

There were two staircases ahead and while Minnie let them in the house, she disappeared and wasn't helping them find Lily. James, Marlene, and Remus were very much on their own.

James and Remus went up one staircase, while Marlene went up the one next to it. The boys were more unsure of themselves than Marlene was because they had never met Lily's parents and didn't want to run into them.

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