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It was July 17 and Lily was bored. Like dust a fan with a toothbrush bored. She had eaten all the interesting food in the house and was beginning to wonder what inhabited the other half of the house. Naturally, she let curiosity get the better of her and she started to explore.

She went past the kitchen into a very kind hallway. There were four doors, so she opened every one.

The first one was just a coat closet. Everyday jackets were stowed here, while more expensive items were in the closet in their bedroom.

Across from that one was what appeared to be a storage area for some of the Evans's old stuff. Dust collected on the unopened boxes as more time passed by. Lily picked up a picture of her mother and father on their wedding day to keep in her bedroom.

This third room held a guest area. Lily knew for sure there were more guest rooms upstairs, so she questioned why one house would need so many places more guests to stay.

The window held a nice view of the surrounding forest in the backyard. Just looking at it the trees looked like they stretched for miles.

Connecting to the bedroom was a large bathroom. It had a tub and shower combo with a double vanity. Lily shut off the lights because it blinded her, new light bulbs she noted.

She grew bored of the room quickly. There wasn't much color, nothing that popped out to here. So, she moved onto the next door.

However, she didn't even get to open it because it was locked by a keypad. Why would this room need to be locked?

Lily began to become frustrated with the door. It was really just a mixture of pent up emotions, but she took it out on the door. She was doing nothing short of attacking it when the house maid came up behind her.

"Miss Evans, may I ask what you are doing?" Minnie said calmly.

"Trying to get inside this bloody room! What the hell does it look like I'm doing?" Lily also decided to take out her frustrations on her professor.

"I suggest you go find something else to do before you punch a hole in the door. I'm sure your mother would not be too happy with you if that had happened."

"I am going to find out what you're going here! You're my professor! Why am I seeing you in the summer?"

"You will find out in time Miss Evans." Minnie spoke soft but with an edge to her voice. As to say she meant business. "As for this door, maybe you should allow for some people to have privacy!"

That isn't what she wanted to say though. Minnie wanted to tell her student about how she really needed to get into that locked room and about how Henry was acting suspicious, but it was all much too dangerous. So, she kept her mouth shut as Lily walked away.


Lily dragged herself up the stairs into her room with the picture pressed into her chest. Taking a second glance at it she smiled.

Her mum was being twirled around by her dad in a pure white, satin wedding dress. Her head was thrown back laughing and he had a huge grin on his face.

It was pictures like these that reminded Lily that her mother had once been in love with her father. These days it hadn't seemed that way.

She had been wearing the wedding bands around her neck on a chain ever since her mum gifted them to her. Lily replaced the necklace she had previously been wearing everyday that reminded her of her dad, with one that reminded her of both of her parents.

She placed the picture on the boxes that still were unopened and flopped onto her bed. The boredom returned along with many questions. So, she decided to write a letter.

Dear Remus,

I've noticed that we don't write much to each other during the summer. Which is kind of disappointing considering we are the only logical thinking people in our group. This is why I'm writing to you, besides the fact that you're my friend.

Logically speaking, why would McGonagall be at my house in the summer? I haven't come up with any answers worth while and I've decided to turn the investigation over to you. Since in past summers you've told me all you do is read, I thought you might have a bit of free time.

Potter, McKinnon, and Black haven't been responding to my letters about Petunia. Maybe you'll listen and respond to my rant. I guess it's more of read and respond, but that doesn't really matter anyways.

She's being a total insufferable idiot. I mean, she was totally okay with Mum marrying Henry, which is not okay for the record. He's weird and I don't like him.

How's your summer been so far? Read any interesting books?

Lily xx


Mary happened to be spending the day at Remus's when the letter came flying in through the window. They were kindly speaking about their woes when Remus asked her to open it.

"Ha! They're really in for it now! She called them by their last names!" Mary laughed after she finished reading it. She handed it to him and he turned it over in his hands, contemplating what to say.

"I've noticed how she's like an entirely different person during summer."

"Yes, we call her Summer Lily. She's less responsible and way more laidback, it's kind of scary actually."


Lily got his reply two days later, without the letters from Marlene, James and Sirius. Which disappointed, but didn't surprise her.

Dear Lily,

You're right, me and you are the only logical thinkers and we don't write much during the summer. I've never really thought about it much before.

This whole Minnie being at your house thing puzzles me. I've never heard of professors being sent to student's homes during the summer before. I'll look into it.

Pride and Prejudice is a good read. The main characters reminded me of you and Prongs. You should read it.


The boredom had hit yet again, but there was nothing to do about it this time. Instead, Lily sat on her desk chair staring at the picture she propped up on the box two days before. She let the happiness of her parents haunt her into completely zoning out, wishing she had something to do.


Author's Note:

This was a shorter chapter, but I needed to write it. So, that's cool.

School really isn't that bad, but like I said yesterday, it's very boring.

It's the fact that I don't know what to write in this A/N for me. 😂

Lmao anyways thanks for reading

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