The Ultimate Prank Battle

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A/N: As per usual, character thoughts and handwriting are italicized!

The Marauders took Craig's idea and ran with it--literally, they ran almost all the way back to Hogwarts into Dumbledore's office to propose it to him. Being the fair guy that he was, Dumbledore agreed to cancel classes for the day to hold the prank battle.

Lily had taken charge of creating the rest of the rule list since everyone else believed it should just be an all-out war between all students. This included her holding multiple prefect meetings--with the help of James--and making a bargain with the professors.

Rule #1: You must buy a wristband from Lily Evans and Mary Macdonald to participate. Each wristband costs one galleon, so if you cannot afford this please see James Potter.

Rule #2: Prank aids are additional money and will only be sold to those who can buy them themselves.

Rule #3: Professors have the power to give out detentions if you hurt another student, intentionally and unintentionally.

Rule #4: Once the professors end the fundraiser, normal school rules apply! This means that if you pull a prank after the event ends, you can receive detention.

Rule #5: You can only prank other people who are wearing wristbands.

**It will result in one or more detentions if you do not follow the rules!

Handing out wristbands at the entrance to the Great Hall was more difficult than it sounded. People were so eager for the prank battle to begin that instead of just waiting in line calmly, there was pushing and shoving that pissed Lily off to no end. It was practically a miracle she hadn't cursed anyone out yet.

It seemed that students were also very enthusiastic about quidditch returning as multiple rich students had donated directly to Dumbledore's donation bucket. James had been one of these students since he wrote to Mia and Flea requesting they send in a donation "in the name of quidditch."

Mary and Lily walked into the Great Hall to see James and Sirius standing on the staff table getting ready to make a speech. Every student held their breaths in anticipation for the trademark Marauder behavior.

"Quidditch has been a big part of Hogwarts ever since the game was introduced here! So, as students, we need to band together in the name of quidditch!" James's voice rung throughout the room.

"In the name of quidditch!" Everyone chorused back.

"Let the games begin!" Sirius grinned as chaos broke out among the students.


Annie and Julia were earning quite the reputation among the ranks of pranksters. It wasn't surprising since Annie had grown up around James, who was believe it or not, not the best influence on small children. Mary worried for his future children.

Yet, when they walked straight up to Lily and Mary with massive grins upon their faces, the two older girls just nodded in greeting and continued to count the money in front of them.

On the silent count of three, Annie and Julia took out their wands, whispered a charm, and covered Mary and Lily in green sludge. Annie had actually learned the charm from Lily because of the time she had covered Slytherins in the slime after Annie was attacked.

"Oh, you two sure asked for it now!" Lily shouted as she and Mary chased after the two girls through a web of students.

They never did catch up with them though because Marlene and Sirius came out of nowhere pelting them with what looked like paint grenades.

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