Merlin: A Wizard & A Catchy Catchphrase

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A/N: Per usual, character's thoughts are italicized.


Getting behind in schoolwork at Hogwarts is a common occurrence. There are many things that can catch one's eye, making them forget they ever had a Charms assignment, which is exactly what happened to Lily and James.

The fire roared next to the two students, who continued to write with the occasional yawn. Boredom had struck James since Charms wasn't his favourite subject. He looked out the window seeing something he had never saw before.

"My quidditch hoops!" James shouted out of the blue, causing Lily to jump out of alarm.

"What are you talking about?" Lily asked walking over to the window, where James had pressed his hands to the glass.

"Fire!" James whispered in horror.

"Oh Merlin!"

The window view clearly showed the six quidditch hoops were alight with flames. Lily immediately pulled James out the portrait hole and started to run up to Doodledorf's office.


James was so distraught over the quidditch hoops being burned down that he refused to leave the Heads' common room. Lily stayed with him between classes and promised to copy the notes for him.

Marlene and Sirius were pissed off over the whole ordeal. How could someone just go out there and burn down the quidditch hoops? No matter how they thought about it, it just didn't make any sense to them.

Trying to clear their heads, they strolled down to the quidditch stadium in the cool January air. They arrived quickly as they essentially wanted to see the damage done.

Where the quidditch hoops used to stand was a large pile of ashes on each end of the pitch. Marlene sighed while Sirius kicked the ashes from their neat pile.

Quidditch was a big part of Sirius, Marlene, and James's lives and had been for awhile. It had been their escape from the drama that often thrived at Hogwarts.

"Merlin's saggy left light bulb!" Sirius shouted for everyone in a fifty foot radius to hear.

"Light bulb?" Marlene questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"It was the first thing that came to mind," Sirius spoke sitting down dejectedly on the ground.

"Merlin's saggy right time table!" Marlene shouted equally if not louder than Sirius.

She sat down next to Sirius and combed through his dark locks with her fingers. He shut his eyes in order to relax as the grounds had welcomed a number of fellow students as most lessons had stopped for the day.

Lily dragged James out of the castle under his invisibility cloak as he didn't want anyone to talk to him. Half way towards Sirius and Marlene, they both realized they should've put Lily under the cloak with him.

Mulciber and Yaxley strutted their way towards Lily seeing as they thought she was alone. They didn't know that Lily had backed into James's chest, who was clutching his wand in his hand.

"What is scum like you doing outside?" Mulciber sneered.

So, they are trying to pick a fight...

Fights with the Slytherins got messy quick, which was proven by James and Sirius's track record with them. Lily thought hard about how to get out of a fight with them when her solution started to walk up towards them. She just had to stall.

"Believe it or not, Mulciber, I have two feet and two legs that are perfectly capable of walking outside," Lily shot back.

The crowd around them grew with the tensions. Lily stepped forward away from James's chest as if she wanted to challenge the two Slytherins in front of the surrounding students. She could see Sirius and Marlene now running up towards them still a good thirty feet away.

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