Transfer Student

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A/N: I dedicate this chapter to the lovely agentbot08 for helping me create my OC after a #rosebennettdeathsquad conversation. He's actually based upon her!

P.S. Craig's thoughts are italicized!


Craig Geyer is a simplistic soul. His favorite drink is apple juice, which he would speak very passionately about. You could count on his hair being messy, just as his handwriting. And his nerdiness never wavered.

At first, he hadn't liked the idea of moving from the states to London. Yet, his aunt had convinced him it would be another adventure for him to figure out along the way.

She was like that. Only thinking of the positives, when there were so many other possibilities to beheld. Craig was an overthinker.

As he walked through the hallways of Hogwarts trailing behind a rather odd man, who happened to be speaking to his aunt about the Wizarding world, he thought about what it would've been like to be here for all seven years of education.

Craig was a previously homeschooled wizard, by his aunt and a nearby governor in Maryland. They had complied all sorts of Wizarding books that helped him become very advanced, too advanced to keep teaching by themselves.

"Mr. Geyer, the day of the sorting, September 1st, you will be sorted last, and depending on where the Sorting Hat puts you, you'll sit at the varying house table."

The strange man was tall and thin, looked like you could break him in half if you tried. There was something strange about the twinkle in his eye, as if he somehow knew everything. His name was something like Doodledorf? Craig couldn't remember.

"I'd like you to meet the heads of houses. The first one is your Potions Professor and while we're in the dungeons, I'll show you the Slytherin common room."

Doodledorf showed Craig and his aunt down a very lengthy staircase, with every portrait chatting away as they walked past.

"Professor Slughorn! Meet our newest student, Craig Geyer!"

Slugesnort shook Craig's hand with a wide smile on his face. Geyer noticed that his forehead was sweating profusely and he looked nervous for some reason.

"See you in class, Craig!"

He felt bad that he couldn't remember the professor's name, yet he never seemed to remember anyone else's name as well.

Then, Doodledorf turned around the corner and showed them to what Craig assumed was just a bare patch on a wall.

"This is the entrance to the Slytherin common room, there's a slight situation with biting couches, so we'll have to skip the tour of the inside."

This is such a helpful tour. Craig thought sarcastically, Doodledorf is being a very good tour guide right now.

"Next, I'll take you to meet Professor McGonagall. She's the head of Gryffindor and your Transfiguration professor."

The trek from the Slytherin "wall" as Craig had dubbed it to the professor's room was filled with many stairs, causing Craig to trip once or twice. He was a fairly clumsy person.

"Minerva! This is Craig, the new American student I was telling you about! Craig, this is Professor McGonagall!"

She seemed colder, less open to student interaction than Professor Slugesnort and that wasn't bothering Craig. Even though he is a fairly extroverted person, he could understand the need to not want to talk to people or be alone with a book.

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