Abandoned Cats & Party Hats

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Sirius had made it clear to them on previous occasions that he did not want to celebrate his birthday, while everyone protested his requests, Lily had brought a compromise to the table that satisfied everyone's needs.

Currently, it was midnight of Sirius's birthday and the girls had decided they all wanted to take a walk around the castle with the moonlight shining around them. The boys had all declined or had been told to get back in bed by the girls because there was a rather harsh full moon that they had all just experienced.

The girls had been walking down the same corridor for what felt like forever when Alice spotted two yellow eyes looking at the group of them.

"Holy Merlin! Is that a niffler?" She near shouted getting their attention very quickly.

"Longbottom, you need to get your eyes checked! That's clearly a cat!" Marlene said in reply, earning a short laugh from both Mary and Lily because of the use of Frank's last name.

"We haven't gotten married yet, McKinnon! In fact, we're not even engaged!" Alice said in retaliation.

"Are we just calling each other by our last names now?" Mary asked, laughing through her question.

"Appears like it, but more importantly, what are we going to do with the cat?" Lily responded.

The girls all shared a look and simultaneously all tried to coax the cat over to them.


Sitting peacefully on the couch, Lily read through her Potions essay once more just to make sure that it was up to Slughorn's standards.

Before she could proceed, there was a crash, bang, and boom that came from James's dorm. This struck her with confusion as her boyfriend was usually well coordinated.

"Love? Are you alright?" Lily yelled up the stairs.

"I can't see!" James responded with another crash, boom, bang, following his reply.

"Bloody hell," she muttered impatiently under her breath, climbing the stairs at a rapid pace, and throwing his door open.

At the sight of James, she gasped as his eyes were swollen shut.

"Are you allergic to cats by chance?"

"Yeah..." he replied uncertainly.

The situation would've been humorous, but Lily didn't know how severely allergic James actually was. So, she took action and decided she could ultimately laugh later.

"Let's get you to the hospital wing," she said leading him down the staircase.

"I'm shirtless, Lily!" He protested making her job far more difficult.

"It's not like you haven't walked around the school shirtless before!" She retorted still pulling him down the stairs.


Craig decided that he wanted to help people, which led him into thinking about what jobs he could choose from in the future seeing as this was his last school year.

Healing was the first thing that shot into his mind, so he signed up to help Madam Pomfrey when he wasn't in classes. He also signed up to be a tutor for people that were struggling and he even had his first tutoring session later that day.

Yet, he was not expecting a laughing Lily Evans (she had given up on saving the laughter for later) to escort a grumbling James Potter into the hospital wing first thing in the morning. Craig snorted of exasperation at the two, who had begun playfully bickering.

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