Chapter 15: Save Our Souls

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A/N: Most of this chapter is spent revolving around Lily, so enjoy some character development


September 2, 1977
2:30 a.m.

Remus and Mary had decided to join Lily in the Heads' common room, so she didn't grow lonely. Yet, she still found herself awake in the ungodly hours of the morning.

She ran the sink water until it grew warm and splashed it on her face, not that it would make anything any different. Lily pressed her hands to her cheeks, like maybe if she made her eyes disappear, she wouldn't have to witness the things going on around her.

The fact of the matter was, her friends had been taken by who she assumed were death eaters and she didn't know if they were okay.

So, she worried and worried and worried and worried and worried, until, she got the bright idea of going to visit Dumbledore at 2:30 in the morning.

Walking down the corridors at Hogwarts alone with little to no light was spooky, but she forgot her wand, which meant no extra light from the tip.

When she finally reached the door, she started to think back on her choice of visiting, but in a sleep deprived state, she knocked anyway.

The door moved open to see an equally tired Dumbledore sitting surprised behind his desk.

"Hello, Miss Evans, what a surprise," he stated almost yawning.

"I was worried about my friends and sought some answers here," she said sitting down across from him.

"Well, the only information we have this moment in time, is that it was indeed death eaters attacking the Hogwarts Express and that they took people from each year."

"Why would they do this?" Lily asked with frustration present in her tone.

"Think about who he took. What is similar between Miss McKinnon, Miss Fortescue, Mr. Black, Mr. Potter, and Mr. Pettigrew?"

Similar between Marlene, Alice, Sirius, James, and Peter? Similar between-

"None of them are muggle-born!" She said earning an approval nod from Dumbledore.

"Previously, the thoughts surrounding Voldemort was that if you weren't muggle-born, you were fine. We believe that he's trying to create a new narrative, in which, he targets everyone going against him."

"In doing so, he instills more fear earning more followers," Lily said keeping up with Dumbledore quite well.

"Precisely, now we have the top aurors on this case including Mr. and Mrs. Potter, who both insisted they play a part in it. I suggest you get some sleep."

"I want to help too. I know I'm just a seventh-year, but these are my friends we're talking about and I would be very helpful. I'm smart!" Lily said trying to make her statement clear to him.

"If need be, you can help."

She not only made her point clear in his office that day, but she solidified the fact that she was a fighter and she would die to save the people she loved.


September 2, 1977
9:01 a.m.
Great Hall

Lily had officially lost it. She considered herself the most mentally stable out of her group, considering who she was friends with it made sense, but without them she was falling apart.

She had given up on eating during breakfast, preferring to just put her head down on the table and worry herself into oblivion.

The rumor mill at Hogwarts had run its course and now everyone knew that their were people missing, yet the names had not been released. However, Doodledorf planned on releasing a good amount of information.

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