Sluggy Throws a Curveball

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Lily had taken to studying in the Weasley living room, which was a risky decision on her part for one main reason. There are many distractions around as the house was quite colorful—something she adored.

She thought of a future with James as they moved past this dark time. That did not include beige walls—that's far too boring—maybe blue or purple walls would do. The house would be fun with the kind of character you don't get from plain walls.

Charlie was also somewhat of a distraction. Bill had taken to drawing more often, which he insisted was an activity he would do all by himself. This left Charlie with a few people to bother.

Molly or Arthur? This would surely not end well since his parents were always busy with some type of work.

Percy? Seeing as the kid wasn't even two yet, that would not be in the slightest bit entertaining.

The twins? They weren't even a month old and being far from doing anything remotely cool, they would not satisfy Charlie's need for fun.

Lily was the perfect candidate. She was capable of being entertaining and his mum trusted her.

"Whatcha readin?" Charlie sat down on the couch next to her.

"My transfiguration textbook, I'm studying for NEWTS," Lily replied dutifully.

"Do ya want to make a cake?" Charlie asked, bringing out his adorable puppy dog eyes.

"How do you plan on getting permission from your mum?" She raised a single eyebrow.

"I'll tell her you're sad and you miss your friends and a cake will cheer you up," Charlie responded grinning cheekily.

"Well, that's not technically a lie and I do love a good cake."


Moody did not even begin to express what the group of seventh-year Gryffindors looked like. They had received no more information about Lily's whereabouts and it seemed as though they were never going to.

So, there they sat brooding in the common room. No amount of confidence would have gotten one to walk up to them and ask what was going on. No amount of confidence except Annie's.

She made eye contact with Julia, who was having Mary take out the rest of her braids. Annie sat down right beside her and turned to look at James. He sat, completely defeated, and without his usual grin.

"So, what's really going on? The Daily Prophet-"

One mention of the faulty newspaper and James was out the portrait door. He even slammed it on his way out—which was not appreciated by The Fat Lady. Sirius sighed and followed him out.

"It's a bit of a sore subject, so you might want to be careful, Annie," Remus explained gently.

"We don't really have all that much information except that Lily's at a safe place that's not Hogwarts," Jules smiled weakly at her.

Annie immediately felt guilty for being insensitive and went to chase after Sirius and James. It turned out that she needn't go very far as the two boys hadn't either. She found them sitting on the floor cross-legged outside of the portrait. James looked up at her arrival.

"I'm sorry for storming out like that, love," James looked with apologetic eyes.

She softly smiled and shared the apologetic look in her hazel eyes.

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