You Took My Breath Away Pt. 2

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Lily had managed to get James out of the church while avoiding all other conversations with relatives.

Now, they walked up the sidewalk to a restaurant where family and close friends were invited for a tame reception. Lily was surprised she even got invited.

Petunia had set up a buffet with an assortment of different dishes for what she called a light brunch.

The loudest huff of air was emitted when Lily and James entered the room, by the bride herself.

"Hello, Petunia."

James thought this was a far too formal greeting for the two sisters because he didn't quite understand their relationship. As far as he knew it was very rocky and that might be the biggest understatement of the year, but he also couldn't understand why Petunia couldn't just get over herself.

"I didn't think you would remember to come, considering your prior engagements," her eyes flickered towards James for a moment. "Mum wants to talk to you."

"I would never forget my sister's wedding day and congratulations."

The couple (I couldn't think of anything else to call them, bahaha) walked over to Rose Evans, who was standing next to Henry and some older rich folk.

"Hello, Mum!" Lily greeted her with a grin and a kiss on the cheek.

"My youngest! And you must be James! How nice to meet you!" Rose shook his hand with an identical grin to Lily's.

"It's nice to meet you too ma'am," Lily made sure to tease him later for calling her mum, ma'am, and to ask him where he had been hiding his manners. His response would be simple, "up my arse."

"Oh, please call me Rose. This is Henry, Henry this is James."

Something was immediately off about him, James couldn't place it, but he had seen Henry's face somewhere before. There were just a whole lot of sketchy vibes. He quickly shook it off and smiled as he shook the man's hand.

"Petunia will throw a fit if we don't get in our seats soon. I'll talk to you two later."

Now their quest was to find their name cards and sit in their respective seats. It took them awhile, but they eventually found them at the opposite end of the table to where Petunia was seated.

"Notice how we're seated the farthest from the newly weds," Lily spoke under her breath as she sat in her seat next to Marge, Vernon's sister. James sat next to Belle, whom Petunia disliked as well.

"Less chance of creating a scene, not that I would be opposed to that idea. How fast do you think we could singlehandedly ruin this reception?" James countered.

"We don't need to do anything, it's already ruined. This is hardly a reception," Lily said quietly, so that Marge couldn't hear her even if she was trying to eavesdrop. James snorted.

"When I get married, the reception is going to be totally groovy."

"Didn't we stop saying groovy in like second-year?"

Before the conversation could continue, Marge stood up, with much effort due to how close the chairs were, and clinked a spoon to her glass.

"Chances she is going to say something offensive?" James muttered to Lily under his breath.

"I'd say 1 in 3," she muttered back.

"On behalf of the newly married Mr. and Mrs. Dursley, I'd like to thank everyone for coming. To kick things off, everyone is going to say their favorite memory of the couple. Let's start with the bride's sister, Daisy Evans."

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