Ordinary Ordeals

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August 19, 1977
6:44 p.m.

Dumbledore knocked on the classroom door and only waited a moment for it to be flung open due to the aggressive amount of magic used.

He got the fact that she was frustrated, she had the right to be, but that's how things were in times of war. Frustrating. Yet, you must get up, try again, and keep going, even when you are losing.

Minerva McGonagall was completing tasks at what you would call a brisk pace, but only because she had to. Inside, she was feeling rather sluggish and didn't want to do anything.

Before Dumbles could open his mouth to address the situation, she spoke first, in a determined nature.

"I know what we mutually agreed to, but I've decided to quit my job as professor and become an Order member full-time. Starting with completing this mission at the Smith home."

Dumbledore laughed because the idea of Minnie quitting her job was preposterous, she was the last person you'd think would do that.

"I'm serious, Albus! This is my formal notice that I will not be at Hogwarts as a professor starting tomorrow!" Her nostrils flared as she set her suitcase on the ground, which had had an enlargement charm placed on it.

"No," he said like it was set in stone.


"I refuse your notice because you, simply, are not quitting. Instead, you will go to the Smith house tonight into tomorrow, inform them you must take a leave until the Spring, and then you will come back here and prepare for students."

"What about Lily?"

"Miss Evans will be fine for the time being, there are aurors everywhere, Minerva, surely you would already know that. Besides, here's your student list for each class."

James Potter
Marlene McKinnon
Remus Lupin
Mary Macdonald
Alice Fortescue
Severus Snape

Sirius Black
Lily Evans
Elizabeth White
Craig Geyer

"Only one who's not a Gryffindor, what a shame!"

"We do not know what Mr. Geyer's house is yet, Albus, do not make assumptions."


August 20, 1977
4:30 a.m.

Lily opened her eyes to some rustling noises coming from the corner of her bedroom. It took a minute for her eyes to adjust to the pitch black surroundings, but even as she did, she wasn't sure she was seeing things correctly.

She had yet to clear her room of boxes, which were stationed in every corner except the one her bed occupied. Over the summer, Lily had feigned away from caring what her room's appearance was.

As the rustling noises grew, Lily threw her unruly hair up into a bun and momentarily forgot she was a wizard. Her wand lay untouched as she crept over slowly towards the lamp on the other side of the room.

Many things happened at once. Lily pulled the lamp cord, which turned on the lamp, three screeches were heard where the rustling was coming from, and then Lily screamed.

Jumping onto her bed in defense, she grabbed a broom and pointed it at the three raccoons looking at her.

"Get the fuck away from me!"

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