You Took My Breath Away Pt. 1

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A/N: Just a quick shoutout! So, the wattpad community is very open and welcoming, just a very happy place to be. The people are genuinely nice too.

I'd like to give a shoutout to my friend EnterUsernameHere394 , they've been very nice to me recently and I want them to know I wholeheartedly appreciate it. I love you!!❤️❤️


Fleamont decided to let Euphemia be the one to sleep in that morning and make breakfast for the seven friends. Feeding them could be compared to feeding a village because Sirius alone ate for four people.

So, making simple pancakes seemed like the best option. Except, when it came to Fleamont, he didn't make anything simple. That's why when Lily was the first to awake she saw him cooking four different kinds of pancakes.

"Good morning, Lily! What a beautiful day outside!"

His optimism seemed to float off of him onto Lily because suddenly she was a morning person with a bright smile on her face.

"The birds are chirping and the sunshine seems to be smiling at us! It definitely is a wonderful day, Fleamont!"

He handed her a plate with what at first glance looked like five feet worth of pancakes. He really did go all out.

Just as she set the plate down Sirius and James came bounding through the front door, no shirts and sweat dripping down their chests. Lily's nose crinkled.

"You know the rules boys! No food until you get yourselves cleaned up!" Fleamont noticed the two boys that entered the kitchen too.

"But Dad, we are starving!" Sirius said, drawing out the statement.

"Yeah, starving, besides Mum isn't up right now. So, she wouldn't know that we broke the rules if you didn't tell her," James continued.

Lily grinned to herself at their antics. Fleamont sighed.

"Well boys, when you're married you'll understand that you're not supposed to keep things from your wife. In this case, I would not be doing her any good by letting you go behind her back."

Sirius and James admitted defeat because Euphemia would be angry if she ever found out they broke the house rules twice in one week. In the middle of a war.

Lily continued in enthusiastic conversation with Fleamont about potions when Annie skipped down the stairs with Julia.

Julia and Annie had grown quite close to each other for the past six days. They had many inside jokes that no one else could even begin to understand. Annie had already written to Graham and Hunter, two of her other second-year friends, to set up a meeting with them at Diagon Alley for school shopping.

The two of them grinned at Lily, who grinned just as bright back, then sat down across from the older girl. They each began to fill in a respective plate.

"What are you two talking about?" Annie asked curiously with both eyebrows raised.

"We're trying to figure out how to get James to use Sleekeasy without his knowledge."

"Ah, plotting against Potter with Potter's Dad. Brilliant move there, Evans," Mary entered the room with Marlene. Each of them sat on a side of Lily as James, Sirius, and Remus traipsed into the room.

All you could hear was the slight scraping of forks against plates and the rare content sigh. Euphemia entered to see the many kids she had recently taken in, and Fleamont washing several pans while making tea. It reminded her why she married him in the first place.

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