Chapter 8

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Meanwhile back at the Penthouse, Geoff is furious that Kayce had shot Jeremy, he kept pacing while Jack was tending to Jeremy's wound.

RH: Geoff will you sit down already you're making me nervous, and I'm just sitting here.

GR: Sorry Ryan but it helps me think, that bitch needs to be put in her place after shooting Jeremy for no reason.

GF: Wait Kayce shot Jeremy for no reason, that doesn't make any sense. She's Contessa, and Contessa is known for shooting anyone as a last resort unless it has to be done. Besides she wouldn't just shoot Jeremy unless it was a damn good reason, it would start a war and she knows that.

Gavin was sitting in one of recliners beside the couch, Jack and Jeremy walked out from the hallway and over to the couch where Jeremy sat beside Ryan, propping his foot on the coffee table. To keep his leg elevated, Ryan just shook his head and looked at Jeremy, who looked back at him and sighed.

JD: I know, I deserved it. I went too far and had it coming.

R: Yeah you did, I mean don't get me wrong you had every right to confront her about it. But if I were in her position and you went that far, you'd be dead because I wouldn't have shot your leg.

GR: Who's side are you on Ryan? Kayce shoots Jeremy and you're defending her like she's your girlfriend.

JD: No Geoff Ryan is 100% correct, it pissed me off when she said those Funhaus fucks were like her family. In fact it killed me inside watching her being so caring, and gentle with Bruce because that's how she used to be with me so after the meeting I watched her and Ryan walk outside and get into an argument, and that was all it took for me to confront her. After a few choice words she shot the ground in front of me as a warning to stop and well I didn't, in fact I did something much more stupid, and made fun of her for shooting at the ground and not at me. That's when everyone else came outside just in time to see her shoot me in the leg. I'll admit I definitely deserved it, I was stupid enough to not stop myself from talking.

The room went silent and Geoff's anger instantly turned into panic and regret. As he stopped pacing Jack was the first to notice the immediate change in behavior.

JP: What's wrong Geoff?

GR: I fucked up

MJ: Why? What did you do?

GR: I may have reacted without knowing the whole story.

TC: No, Geoff tell me you didn't do what I think you did.

Geoff didn't say a word he just hung his head and ran a hand over the back of his neck, like a child who had been caught lying to his parents.

GF: We're all dead men now she's gonna kill us, she'll mount our heads on her wall like trophies.

AD: No, come on man I'm too young to die. There's got to be a way to fix this shit, can't we just talk about this. She warned us about going to war with her, she's got enough experience to kill us all. Hell, she knows everything about us.

JP: That's it, Fredo you absolute genius.

AD: Wait, What? I mean uhh yeah totally I'm a genius.

Everyone chuckles at his response as Jack continues with explaining his idea.

JP: So we know she's not happy at all with us right now, in fact she's never been happy with us since the incident on Chiliad. I'm assuming the whole plan of getting a reaction out of by torturing Bruce didn't work, so why don't we force her to listen to what we have to say.

MB: Jack I like where you're going with this idea but let's be honest if we screw up in anyway. She will absolutely kill us in a heartbeat.

JP: There is that possibility but if we use the right bait then we might have a chance.

GF: What would we use as bait though? We know nothing about her past, and we can't use anyone from Funhaus because that'll just cause more problems with them.

GR: You're right Gaver, but we know someone who could be used as bait.

Ryan caught on immediately, his eyes widened and started shaking in his head as Michael finally pitched in his opinion.

MJ: No, absolutely not, you can't be serious. That's an insane plan, and even if the person did agree. That means we as group better be ready for anything, I'm not about to just sit there and watch as they get used for bait. What would happen if something goes wrong on our side, they could die because we weren't prepared.

By this time everyone had caught on to what they were talking about. But what shocked them the most is when Jeremy spoke up.

JD: I'll do it. Let me heal up first then we'll do it.

RH: Jeremy you can't be serious.

JD: Why not Ryan? Face it I'm your best shot for it, like they said I know Kayce the best out of everyone in this damn city. I'm perfect for bait it'll take awhile, and we need to make look convincing. But just like fishing patients is key for catching the right fish.

Jeremy was right and everyone knew it including Michael and Ryan who hated the idea of using one of their own as bait. Especially after what happened to Ray the last time they used a person as bait, Ryan shook his head and Michael sighed.

RH: Fine but if we're going to do this then Michael and I will be the ones making it look realistic, Lindsay can come in and do the makeup, Geoff you can be the voice behind the camera. But the only ones in the videos will be Michael and I, Michael you ok with this idea since you and I are outnumbered.

MJ: Yeah I'm fine with this now that everything is settled, I do agree with you that it should be us on camera since we're the ones that end up torturing people anyway. We know how to make it look real when it's absolutely fake as shit.

GR: Ok then it's settled, when Jeremy's healed we can start baiting Kayce.

JD: Why wait till I'm healed? If it's all fake then why not start now, I'm already wounded that will help with making the pain seem real. I say we start now before Kayce can come up with a plan to get back at us.

Everyone was surprised at how eager Jeremy was for this, but he made a great point. Kayce was already distracted with helping Bruce, she couldn't come up with a plan right now. So it was the perfect opportunity to use that to their advantage, after getting everything ready in the downstairs torture room. Michael called Lindsay to tell her the plan, and with in 20 minutes Jeremy was moved down to the torture room and Lindsay was doing his makeup to make it look like he had been beaten up and the camera started rolling.

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