Chapter 27

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// This chapter is gonna be short because it's mainly Kayce talking to Agent Fetch//

AF: I held up my end of the deal, now start talking.

K: What do you want to know?

AF: How do you know Alexis?

K: Went to the same school, been friends since the beginning.

AF: When did you join the Mafia?

K: I guess you could say I've been a member for a long time, but never got my hands dirty until a few months before you arrived.

AF: Why not?

K: Wasn't my thing, I was actually living in California with my now ex boyfriend. When he got controlling and abusive, I left and came back home. Alexis and I met up for coffee once she knew I was back, and I've been working in the "Family Business" ever since.

AF: Why didn't you say anything about me being a spy?

K: I don't know just got tired of the lifestyle I guess, and I thought you were the one way ticket to a new start.

AF: When I came in they didn't want me to be apart of the enforcement team, but you insisted that I become an enforcer. Why?

K: Easiest way to keep you alive, and I get out. Why do you think I trained you, and taught you the tricks of survival. One wrong move and you would have been fish food, or in the next concrete wall.

AF: So let me get this straight, you kept me close so you could keep me alive. All because you wanted out of the criminal life.

K: Yep, I made sure to come up with reasons that covered your ass when you fucked up. Trust me it wasn't easy because every time you adjusted your wire, or your ear piece in front of everyone. I had to cover for you, I put my life on the line for you.

AF: Why? I don't understand if you and Alexis were friends since school, then why would you lie to her? Why put yourself on the line?

K: I already answered that question, I wanted out and you were the only chance I had.

AF: Alright, I know you don't want to but we're gonna have to call you as a witness for the trial.

K: What? Are you fucking crazy? If I take the stand then I'm dead. I wanted out to start a new life, if I wanted out and end up dead I would have just stole money, or done something else.

AF: I know you don't want to do this, but I promise you that if you help us then we can protect you. We can put you into the witness protection program, you can start that new life you wanted.

K: But it wouldn't be the same, I wanted a new life where I wouldn't have to lie about myself. The program gives me a whole new identity, and I don't want that. I want to be me, I want to be able to express myself, and not just a random person. While Kayce becomes a page torn out of a book, a ghost, a forgotten memory. That's no way to live a happy life knowing that I have to lie every time someone from my past calls me by my real name.

AF: I'll see what I can do, maybe we can videotape your testimony but alter your voice, and blur your face.

K: If that's possible then I'll do it, but only if I don't go into that program.

AF: Alright let me go talk to my supervisor, is there anything I can get you something to eat or drink?

K: No just my phone I want to make sure my parents are okay, and I want to tell them I'm okay.

Agent Fetch nodded and took the cuffs off her wrists, he then handed Kayce her phone and walked out of room. Kayce quickly sent her parents a message saying she was okay and not to be worried, after that she sent a message to Jeremy saying the same thing to which he replied stating how he was so worried about her. This was obviously a code that only they understood because she replied saying everything was gonna go back to normal after she was done with the authorities. He then replied with "That's FANTASTIC", she smiled and put her phone on the table. She knew why he sent it in all caps, and internally she was jumping for joy because she knew her parents are safely hidden, and taken care of while she's here. After a few more hours of being stuck in the small room Agent Fetch came back with a video camera, his supervisor, and an attorney, after he set the camera up and they began the whole questioning process again. This went on for another 3 hours just to make sure everything was done right, and after everything was done Kayce was allowed to pick any city in the U.S. That would be where she would start her new life, so naturally she chose to fly to Los Santos. The FBI paid for her ticket, and after they gave Kayce back all of her belongings they drove her to the airport. Once they left, Kayce quickly got onto the plane and flew back to the city that she knew so well. Once the plane landed she bought an untraceable cellphone, and started walking through the streets. She only stopped to talk to the leaders of the gangs if she saw them outside, and a lot of them were surprised to see that she returned. After a few hours of walking she made her way to the warehouse for the monthly meeting, after checking her phone she realized she was right on time for the meeting. Smiling she proudly walked into the warehouse only to be met with guns in her face.

K: I know for a damn fact that none of you have the balls to shoot me.

Everyone just stared at her with wide eyes, and open mouths, all except for the FunHause boys who screamed out with joy and came running at her. After hugging and calming them down Kayce then took her place at the table, and the meeting started.

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