Chapter 20

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/time skip to when they are returning back to Los Santos/

Ryan had just finished his book when the plane started its decent, looking over at the sleeping woman beside him. He felt guilty for having to ruin her peaceful slumber, reluctantly he sighed and rubbed her arm gently.

R: Baby time to get up

Kayce just lifted her head and looked at him with those big eyes that Ryan found it so easy to loose himself in, she yawned and kissed his cheek. Once the plane landed she pulled out her phone and called for an Uber, after going through security, and getting their luggage they walked out into the bright sunny day.

K: I forgot how cold Boston got in the winter.

R: Yeah, that was bullshit on how cold it got.

K: And people wonder why I'm a cold hearted bitch, just look at where I grew up.

Ryan just smirked and shook his head, they loaded the luggage into the trunk and got into the Uber. Once home and unpacked the couple had planned on going out for dinner but that plan was quickly changed when Ryan's phone rang, looking at the called ID he rolled his eyes and answered putting it on speaker.

R: Hello

GR: Hey Ryan, got a question for you.

R: What's up Geoff?

GR: You back in town?

R: Yeah, why?

GR: Are you doing anything tonight?

Kayce just sighed and nodded her head.

R: Nothing, why?

GR: Well tonight is monthly meeting with the idiots, and assholes who think they run this city. Gavin said he would be there but I kind want another person there with us tonight, I have a feeling that it's gonna get ugly at the meeting. You think you can be there?

R: Yeah Geoff I'll be there, anything I should know before I walk in armed with knives and guns? Any reason for this bad feeling?

GR: Let's just say stuff happened while you were out of town, and none of it was good because it has to do with Contessa's territory. I had no part in it because of what has happened in the past so I made it clear that the crew was not going to have any part in it, Funhaus agreed with me and stayed out of it as well. But word is she's back in town and she is in for a rude awaking tonight at the meeting. With her being a loose cannon I don't want to take any chances, and if it does lead to a shoot out then we are going to take Kayce's side in the conflict. So bring enough guns to protect us and anyone who is on our side.

R: Ok, I'll meet you there and make sure you and Gavin come early so I can give you heavy body armor to put on, I don't want to take any chance on one of us getting shot and dying.

Kayce got up and walked to a door that opened to a room full of guns, armor, and ammunition. She was gearing up for battle, she didn't care about the rules she was ready for anything. Now was not the time to start a war with her because she was ready for a fight, after the last few weeks that she had to live through.

To make a long story short the only people who were happy to see her come home was her mother, father, Jeremy, and his  parents. She was just happy that they accepted Ryan as her boyfriend, she wasn't surprised with how her Aunts and their families acted. She told Ryan exactly how they would act, what she didn't expect was how badly they treated her parents and Jeremy's parents. She just bit her tongue, and held her anger in until one her cousins came in and smacked her mother across the face out of no where. That was her breaking point she wasn't gonna sit back and do nothing, so she smacked her cousin across face. Well that started an argument that snowballed into a full on fist fight in the front yard, in the snow, and in negative degree weather between her and the people that she once called her family. Unfortunately the cops had to be called to break up the fight.

Ryan walked in and just looked at her as she pulled her shirt down over her body armor.

R: Babe please don't go into the meeting expecting it, remember no one knows about us except Jeremy. If you showed up ready for a fight then it would look suspicious.

K: I know baby that's why I'm covered in knives and not guns, I'm laying 2 pistols on the table tonight. If you're going early then I'll show up on time, but you do raise a great point Jeremy is the only one who knows about us being a couple. I might call and ask him to be ready incase we need back up.

Ryan just nodded and looked her up and down and smirked.

R: Why don't you keep those blades hidden and then later I'll see if I can hind them all.

K: I like that idea, maybe I should hide more, I mean honestly is 20 really enough?

Ryan eyes widened, as he smirked while his mind started fill with thoughts that make a man instantly blush.

R: The thoughts that go through my head when I'm near you.

Kayce smirked and walked over to him swaying her hips. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he placed his hands on her hips.

K: Yet you never act on them no matter how times I've told you that you can, shows how much self control you have, that you're a good boy. It's too bad I never get to see the dominant personality, the one that knows what he wants, knows he can have it, and yet never takes it for himself.

Kayce lightly tugs in his hair and kisses his cheek. Ryan just smirks and looks at her, he could feel one of her pistols pushing into his thigh.

R: That'll be changing tonight because when we get home you're all mine.

K: I can't wait.

Kayce smirked and kissed him hungrily then let him leave to meet up with Geoff and Gavin. She then called Jeremy.

JD: Hello

K: Hey brother what are you doing tonight?

JD: Nothing sis why?

K: Well I might need you as my backup person tonight at the meeting.

JD: Why not have Ryan?

K: Him and Gavin are backing up Geoff tonight.

JD: Ok yeah I'll be there, what time?

K: I'm gonna be leaving shortly so I'm a little early, here's the thing I don't want people to know that I have backup, so when you get there I'm gonna hand you Babygirl. If it gets ugly I'm calling you and that'll be your signal to come in and help me out.

JD: You're expecting something to happen?

K: I got tipped off that something happened while we were in Boston, it has something to do with my territory, and it's getting brought up tonight at meeting.

JD: Damn

K: Yeah

JD: Alright I'm getting dressed now, should I put on body armor?

K: Yes, I'm taking no chances, which is why I even put on heavy body armor.

JD: Alright I'll meet you there.

K: Alright see you there.

They hung up and Kayce went out to her garage, she looked around trying to decide on what car to take tonight. She finally decided on her black Insurgent with blue pinstripes down the sides, it was armored, and an easy vehicle to get away in if needed. After making her decision, she put her weapons in the backseat and started for the meeting.

Contessa Amongst Dukes. (Ryan x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now