~•asking oikawa for help•~

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It was now time for us to go home but tsukishima wasn't back yet or yamaguchi either. I started to panic in worry of what could've happened just as I was about to go search for them I heard a knock on the door.

I turned to see an oikawa looking at me holding a tsukishima along with yamaguchi behind his leg shyly. I smiled "oh, oikawa thank you for bringing them back here! Honestly I wouldn't know what to do if something serious happened to them..." I paused as I watched him limping towards me on one leg.

"What's up with your leg?" He pointed to the little blonde boy who has his arms crossed still in owikawa hands facing a different direction. "This one kicked me! When I tried to pat his head,he... Kicked me! Hey you! Da-" he paused before he continued.

He finally realized they were all kids and his eyes grew big for a month before smirking"so,(y/n)? Who's the da-" before he finished I kneed him in the stomach with my knee. "Ack!"

I smirked "thank you, trashykawa. But I think I've got them for right now." I kneeled down to him then got back up. "Alright that's fair. But, how'd this happen?" He asked me as I tried to explain it all to him.

He nodded then looked at his phone after a buzz. "Who's that?"

"Iwa-chan! I've got to go but before that.." he brought his phone up which only could mean. "Ah,sorry oikawa but I really think that I-" before I finished he gave me some puppy dog eyes "look at thier cute wittle faces, you really think you can handle all this adorableness alone?" He said pouting as I sighed.

I grabbed my phone and swapped with him. I saw him take a selfie which made me sweatdrop at his duck lips and peace pose. "There! Now just text me anytime when you need help ,mommy-chan!" I scrunched my face at his words.

"Mommy-chan?" I asked as he put a hand on his hip smiling mischievously"yeah,I mean your having to babysit these... Teenager kids? Right, anyways so your like a mommy!" He stuck his tongue out winking with a peace pose again as I grew a vein.

"Don't make me kick you somewhere else now. Anyways,thank you owikawa. If I do need any help I'll text you!" I started to smile again as oikawa had a defensive pose on from me threatening him. He nodded immediately in terror and left.

I turned to everyone with a helpless grin "looks like you all will be sleeping at my house tonight. At least untill we get this situated." Everyone either nodded or said "ok!" But the ones most excited were tanaka and nishinoya who did a little dance that I found cute.

"🎶We're going to (y/n)'s house, we're going to (y/n)!🎶" They sung in a song with Hinata holding hands running in a circle together.

I took out my phone and took a pic. "So cute." I giggled to myself.


We were now about to head out as I grabbed daichi's hand which he made everyone else grab hands as well. I guess by captain power?  I shrugged the thought off as we headed out. It wasn't that dark so we were good to not get kidnapped.

We walked as Hinata started singing a song "twinkle twinkle little star,hey look, kageyama! There's a star!" He pointed up as everyone stopped to look up. "Yeah, Hinata that's the first evening star." I cheerfully said as he hummed in understanding.

As we kept walking we had to keep stopping because someone would either trip and fall or would get distracted.

We finally got there singing a song "twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are,up above the clouds so high like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are!"🎶 I scratched my cheek as some were off key a bit.

I took my key out as it opened with a creek. "come in, my parents are on vacation so you can just make yourselves at home for right now." I said as everyone walked in glancing around.

I sat on the sofa sighing glad we finally made it home. "Guys,what do you want to e-"

"No kageyama!" I tried to stop kageyama from dropping a carton of milk which spilled all over him. He looked at me with milk in his hair and clothes. "Kageyama. Why didn't you ask first?" I grabbed a paper towel to wipe his sweet little face that seemed angry at how he couldn't get any milk.

I checked the calendar "that's ok,I can go get more tomorrow,ok?" I squished his cheeks that he didn't seem to mind it that much with a bit of blush on his cheeks.

He nodded then as soon as I turn around.... The living room was a wreck! The bathroom had hand prints and everything was horrible. I face palmed my face "looks like tomorrow morning I'm gonna have to call oikawa after all." I rounded everyone up to watch TV untill I cleaned everything.

"Phew,done!" I smiled wiping my forehead leaving the downstairs bathroom. I walked to the couch as everyone was fast asleep except for kageyama who still was upset about the milk.

He was sitting on the sofa alone which made me sit next to him. "Is this seat taken or am I gonna get bitten by a thristy setter?" I asked him jokingly which he looked at me and patted the seat with no words.

"Are you still upset?" He nodded his head as I grabbed him to put him by my side. Now we were so close that there was barely any gap in our seats. I pulled his head on my shoulder as he put his legs on the couch in a laying position.

We were both now watching TV untill we fell asleep together.


It was now morning time as I was the first to wake up. "I guess everyone was really tired or I just have an unhealthy sleep schedule?" I yawned getting up slowly as to not disturb the sleeping setter.

I walked to the kitchen to make everyone some breakfast. "Hmm? Wait,if we have school today,how will they go in those tiny bodies?!" I accidentally yelled as I turned around to see if anyone woke up.

But since I became silent all I heard were little snores. I turned around relieved but still was thinking.

"No,they can't go to school,at least not today. I have to call oikawa to help me babysit today." I grabbed my phone as I saw alot of missed calls from owikawa.

' What could he want?' I thought as I pressed the recall button on the screen. "Hello? Oikawa?"

["Oh thank goodness,(y/n)! I need your help can you bring the kids to the park later?"]

I glanced back at the kids "yeah,when they wake up,why?" I heard a bit of hesitation in his voice.

["Well, because.... Don't you want someone to help babysit?"]

I nodded putting my hands in a wanting someone position "touche. Alright then,even though you seem a bit suspicious, I'll bring them at noon,is that alright?"

["Yes perfect, that's actually on time."]

He whispered the last part as I couldn't really hear it "what was that?"

["Oh ah, nothing. Nothing at all! I gotta bye!"]

Before I could say another word he hung up which made my suspicions very almost clear.


A/n- hi I'm here again! I know it may have seemed I wouldn't update but now I'm going to try to update more than once a week. Thank you all for continuing to read, anyways hope you enjoyed!

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