~•going to the park•~

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After I finished cooking I woke everyone up so we can all eat."(y/n) what about school?" Shoyo asked me as I was grabbing my food to sit on the couch.

"Well,you all can't go today,at least not looking like that." I told him as he looked at his body then sighed as he forgot he was a kid. "Then what about you?" Kageyama asked scooping up his food "I have to babysit you guys today with oikawa,so eat up while it's still hot!" I smiled and put my spoon in my mouth as a few still looked at me with a bit of disgust.

"Why do we have to be babysitted by that guy?" Tsukishima said with a full mouth. "Tsukishima don't talk with a full mouth,and it's just for today until I can figure this out." I said wiping his mouth with a cloth as he pushed my hands away.

He crossed his arms irritated"fine." I watched as everyone else were eating peacefully except for the duo and another duo. "Hey,give me back my food! kageyama!" Hinata reached for his bread I gave him.

"Once you grow tall enough to reach!" Kageyama teased back  "hahaha,Tanaka look,I'm a vampire!" Noya had two carrots in his mouth poking out to look like vampire teeth."haha,good one! But look what I can do." Tanaka grabbed his peas and his spoon.

Once I figured out what he was about to do I tried to stop him but he flicked it towards tsukishima who was blowing his food. The peas flew on his face and food as I saw anger begin to stir in his eyes. "Ack!" I hit Tanaka in the head and noya at the same time. "Don't play with your food,now apologize!" I scolded them as they both rubbed their heads bowing.


I put my hands on my hips and mumbled"this is gonna be tough."

Yachi and kiyoko got done as they shook my clothes  to show me their plate. I pat their heads as I saw they didn't even leave a mess "good job,you two!" They smiled and wobbled towards the kitchen to put the plates in the sink.

"Aww,I wanna get a head pat two."

"Yeah pat our heads (y/n)!" Tanaka and noya declared as I got up "not until you finished your food!" I yelled as they nodded and tried to hurriedly eat. When I looked at hinata and kageyama they were fighting again.

I marched over and tried to separate them "alright....you two! Separate!" I managed to get them far apart. But their plates were empty "can we have seconds?" I sweatdrop'they must've been very hungry.' I thought as I nodded to them and got another plate.

"We done!" Tanaka and noya both showed their plates as I got to their level "good job,noya,Tanaka!" I patted their heads as their eyes lit up  with admiration "(y/n)-senpai patted my head!" Noya said happily. "I know! I'm never washing my hair again!"

"No maybe you should." I grabbed their plates putting it in the sink. "Alright everyone done?" Daichi, sugawara,and the coach had already finished and we're talking together. But Hinata and kageyama kept wanting seconds as tsukishima and yamaguchi were waiting together.

Tsukishima pushed his glasses up "you two done yet? It's not a competition you know?" I tilted my head towards tsuki "competition?"

"Yeah, apparently those two idiots wanted to see who can eat the most of your food. But it's not worth it! We're ready to go play!" Tsukishima yelled his last words to get Hinata and kageyama's attention.

"It is worth it!" Hinata said stuffing his face. "Yeah,and we're not just competing we're also staying healthy!" Kageyama added.

After swallowing his food Hinata spoke again "yeah I don't see you trying to stay healthy!" He yelled at tsuki as I started to grow a vein "Everyone here is healthy now stop arguing so I can get you all dressed!!" I covered my mouth with blush as I realized who is gonna get them dressed.

[what if?] haikyuu babysitting{{ Reader X Various HAIKYUU}}Where stories live. Discover now