~•training camp•~

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Practice ended and we were now on our way back home. Takeda told me to have them go to bed early since we'd have to get up earlier than usual to get on the bus. Midterms has already passed,well,at least for me. Non of them took the test so we actually had to make up a lie.

We told the teachers that karasuno was too hooked up in training that they'll have to take it another day. Which surprisingly the teachers we're ok with it,thanks to takeda-sensei.


Morning befell upon us as everyone got up bright and early to practice a bit before we boarded the bus. I sat next to takeda as we watched everyone practice my phone buzzed.

I set kuroo and owikawa's contact name already last night.

[Hyena-kun: hey (y/n)! I heard you were all coming to have a match against us? Right?]

Is what the screen read as I begin to tap on the screen with a smile.

[You:yeah! But will this really be ok? Mean they're now kids,so..]

I glanced back at the boys a bit worried that if them doing this will effect any other matches they have to do. Or if they'll even win. As I begin to fiddle takeda-sensei noticed "hey,is something wrong?" He asked with concern as I shook my head looking back at the boys.

"It's just that.... What do you think takeda-sensei? Will they be able to win or will they lose?" I questioned him as he now had a serious look. "Well for starters, I've known karasuno for a long time now. And never in my life have I seen them,you know,like this." His face now perked into a smile.

"But,that doesn't mean I don't have faith in them. So don't worry (y/n)! Maybe your experiments will have a different take on them. Having them in this view will probably inspire lots of kids and other people to try volleyball as well." My fingers stopped as I opened my mouth a bit then plastered a smile.

"Thanks takeda-sensei! I like them and many forms but... Even if they want to stay this way it can't happen. So,I'll do my best to find a cure!" He gave me a thumbs up as I did so as well and faced the boys. "Nice kill!"


As we started to head for the bus my phone ringed but this time it wasn't kuroo.

[Trashy✨kawa:hey mommy-chan! I heard karasuno's going against nekoma. Will this be ok,you know considering their form?]

I would usually get mad when he called me mommy-chan but now wasn't the time for that so instead of tapping roughly on my screen,I just tapped a few times.

[You: yeah, they're up against nekoma. But don't get cocky with our team! They might be small but they'll still kick your butt!]

I smiled evily hinting that we'll win. I couldn't fix this yet,not without equipment and kuroo. So all I could do is what any manager would do for their team, believe they can win.

Before I got on the bus I stopped in line and prayed then took my steps inside. They were so little that I could barely tell they were back there so I yelled. "Hey,is everyone alright?" I asked as I got a select few responses from the team.

Kiyoko and yachi sat in the front which I sat on the other side of them alone. "Alright, everyone ready?" Takeda looked back in the driver seat as everyone lifted a hand reaching up "yes!!"  Takeda smiled and begin to drive as I plugged my earphones in to not hear the noises that everyone would make.

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