chapter 10

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Ari's POV

There's definitely something wrong with my brain, I thought I was going to have a peaceful night, but guess what, I didn't even sleep for long. I have been awake since 2:30 in the morning and its currently 6:30 and I still haven't convinced my brain to go back to sleep, and no matter how hard I try it's just pointless effort wasted.

Deciding to stop trying, I go prepare for the day, which will practically be long and boring now that I think of it, its not like I have plans or anything, I guess I'll just flow with what the day brings.


Today is one of the longest, most boring days of my life. I spent the whole day sitting here on my bed, doing assignments, singing to myself, I even tried starting up a little on the project and still its only 6pm. Sir had called the security men earlier saying they would be back by 8 and as hectic as I know it will become I can't help but be thankful that they are coming back.

"Ariana! Ariana! Come here now we've got work to do!"

I guess she was informed too, sigh.

Quickly throwing myself off my bed I rush downstairs to go begin whatever chores she has for me.

"Good evening Aunt Mariah." I say as I reach were she stands at the end of the stairs, but I also make sure to keep a good distance not wanting to repeat the last event.

"Well it was," she snaps,

"Your going to have to go grocery shopping that's the only thing that needs to be done since you seem to have kept the house in check. I've already made the list for you," she says handing me a piece of paper

Ok then.....


Sorry to interrupt your reading but I just wanted to let you know I'm sorry for my delay in writing but I've also changed the name of the book and I'll try my best to keep up

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