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Derek_Hale: what the actual fuck did I walk into, and why must shit like this happen in my loft!?!

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Old_Alpha: kids will be kids, by the way it's weird you took a photo of it.
Malia_Th: ^^^ so that's why they never saw the end of the movie 😂😂
Just-Stiles: Der, wtaf
🐺Scott🐺: give them a break, they haven't seen each other in weeks
Lydia: sometimes I wish you never had social media
Derek_Hale: @Lydia you love me really
Lydia: @Derek_Hale do I though?
Mas+Cor: so that's why the bathrooms been locked for ages - Corey
Hayden: how do I unsee this?
Mas+Cor: @Hayden idk but when you find out, let me know - Mason

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