Chapter 21

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Aaron's P.O.V
Listen to Gone Too Soon by Simple Plan while reading.
When Meghan hung up on me I ran faster than I've ever ran in my life. I couldn't loose her not know not ever I needed her. I caught a glimpse of her at her window all I could think was how bad I needed to get to her. Once I got to the door all I did was pound on the door hoping and praying her parents would listen.

"What are you doing here?" Magan's mom asked once she opened the door.

"Please let me in Meghan needs me please." I begged.

"She grounded and I don't want you any where near her." She said. I don't know what cam over me but I just pushed past her and ran to Meghan's room hearing her parents yelling at me.

Once I got to her door I tried to open it but it was locked so I body slammed into the door a few times and it finally opened. What I saw on the other side was her body lying on the floor. I wanted to fall on my knees I wanted to scream and cry but I knew if I wanted to save her that wasn't going to help. I picked her up in my arms and ran down stairs tears blurring my vision. Once I made eye contact with her parents her mother fell to her knees and her fathers grabbed his keys and told me to get in the car. I got in still holding her cold body I couldn't feel a pulse anymore. No no no no this can't be happening no. Finally after what was only a few minutes drive that felt like hours we were at the hospital. They took her in a room right away but because I want family I couldn't be in the room with her. Her mother and sister quickly an went in her room. I waited outside her room crying. All of the memories I had with her came flooding back. I remembered when I first met her how beautiful she looked how her hair flowed on the wind how her green eyes sparkled. I then remembered when she called me after she left about how upset she was and I remember carving an "M" into that tree with her. I remembered all the phone calls. I remembered that night we had staring at the stars. I remembered the feeling of having her wrapped in my arms feeling like I could protect her from anything. And then the last memory of her telling me she was going to kill herself.

"Aaron." Danielle said meekly through tears. All I did was look at her because I could talk.

"She wanted you to have this." She said giving me a piece of paper and then walking back into her room.

I opened the latter to read it.

Dear Aaron,
I can't believe I'm writing this to you but I am and it breaks my heart. I'm so so sorry I did this. I never ever wanted to hurt you. I know one thing people are gonna ask is why did I kill myself and I know you probably will too. There's only so many things in this cruel world that I find beautiful and I'm glad to say you were one of them. But the thing was is that those things would either go away or were taken from me. I was tired of it. People say making yourself happy is a hard thing to do. I know the only way I'm gonna be happy is if I don't feel anything anymore and since there isn't a magical pill you can take to make you numb this was my only option but it's not an easy one. Hurting you is the last thing I ever wanted to do and I'm sorry. In a song called "Gone Too Soon" by Simple Plan one of the lyrics is "like a shooting star flyin' across the room so fast so far you were gone too soon." When ever you see a shooting star I want you to think of me of all the good times we have. I love you Aaron forever and always.

The letter caused more tears to fall on my cheeks. She couldn't die I hadn't said my goodbyes I didn't tell her I loved her. I couldn't let her go without telling her that.

"Aaron." Danielle said. I looked up.

"She's...." And that's all I heard. I broke down even more. She's gone.

So this chapter was sad and hard to write. There are still a few more chapters that talk about how Aaron deals with The aftermath of this event. Hope you guys enjoyed reading and I'm sorry if I ripped your heart out and made you cry. It'd mean a lot if you commented I really really wanna know what you guys thought. Thanks.


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