Chapter 22

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Listen to All I Want by Kodaline
Meghan had died that day in the hospital and I was broken. I came home and didn't talk to anyone just sat in my room and cried. I hated myself I just fucking hated myself. Why couldn't I have gotten there faster? Why didn't I try and make her stay on the phone longer? Why did she have to die? Those questions ran through my head. I had gotten texts from all the guys saying how sorry they were Danielle must've told them. Them saying that made me mad though sorry wasn't gonna bring her back. Sorry wasn't gonna make me feel better. Nothing was. Later that night I went outside and laid in the grass looking at the stars just like me and Meghan did. Then I saw a shooting star fly across the sky. I felt my self cry for the thousandth time today. I thought of Meghan like she wanted me too. I thought of what she was and what she could've been and then I thought about what we were and what we could've been. She was happy though now she was with Bentley now and she couldn't feel anymore just like she wanted to. I should think that she's in a better place and that a world like this was to cruel for a beautiful person like her but I was angry. angry at her parents for not letting me see her. Angry at Nathan for trying to weasel his way into her life. Angry at the world. But most of all I was angry at myself for letting her die and not being there when she needed me. I crept into my house going to my bedroom I laid in bed in tears. I knew that for the next few days that's all I would be doing. What was gonna be really hard was having to go to her funeral but what was gonna be even harder was having to go up that and read my eulogy. Her parents asked me back at the hospital if I would do one and I said yes. What was I gonna say though? And then I thought of it I grabbed a pen and piece of paper.

Meghan West and I met on a beautiful sunny August day. When I first saw her I thought she was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my live and she always will be.....

And then I stopped writing and woke up in the hospital outside her door. I then remembered what Danielle said. She's stable she's got a 50/50 chance.

"Please hold on for me Meghan please." I whispered to myself.

You guys all thought she was dead didn't you? Well she not..

Hope you you guys enjoyed reading make sure to comment I wanna know what you guys think. Thanks guys

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