Chapter 2: Angry smol girl

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After Noire and the other finished their work, the next day we were visiting Lowee, as Noire was clinged to me

Y/N: Why?

Noire: Shut up, let me have this moment

Y/N: Yeah, no i don't want to feel the wrath of an angry Nep

Neptune: Yeah you better!

Y/N: Yeah sure, i can still beat you with my eyes closed on games

Nepgear: Now, now, there is no need to argue

Uni: Talk about being grown up

Y/N: Yeah i'm a baby boi, i'm not grown up at all

IF: Would you mind stop messing around?

Compa: I don't know if you can survive the beating of 2 CPU....

Y/N: Like they want to beat me to death, they like me

The CPU blushed, as IF and Compa laughed with me

Noire: N-Now, it seems like we arrived to Lowee Basilicom

Neptune: Y-Yeah, let's visit Blanc!

They got our of the carriage, as fast as they could

Y/N: They're fast, but not as fast as me

I rushed behind them, and came first at the door

Both: What?!

Y/N: You two have a long way before you can reach my level

I opened the door, and the first thing that met me, was a book coming straight to my face

Y/N: *mind* Do i dodge it? Nah i know it will not be that painfull

The book hit me straight on the forehead, and i was wrong since the beggining 


All: Y/N!

I was holding my face in pain, as i heard laughing

Ram: It's a success!

Rom: Mister Y/N fell into it!


I ran after them, as they where laughing

After sometime, i catched the twins, and used my ultimate attack against them

Unlimited Tickles Works (UTW)

They gave up after a few minute, as i met with the other

Y/N: I won

Blanc: Like always when it comes to the twins

Y/N: Of course, i'm the god of cooking after all

She raised a brow at me, as i knew she doubt my words

Y/N: You are doubting my words

Blanc: If you're the one who said it, of course

Y/N: Okay, that's it, i will show you my true power

I looked at a maid, as she jumped in surprise

Y/N: You! Show me the basilicom kitchen!

Maid: R-Right!

After 20 minute, i came with some takoyaki, enough for everyone

After 20 minute, i came with some takoyaki, enough for everyone

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