Chapter 10: The Gamindustry show

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Y/N: So, you're telling me that there will be a show, where all the CPU will work on it

Neptune: Yep

Y/N: Everyone will be the good guys, while i, will disguise myself and play as the bad guy?

Neptune: Isn't it awesome?

Y/N: I'm not doing that

Neptune: I knew you would acce- WAIT WHAT?! WHY!


Neptune: We will go easy on you!

Y/N: Never! My back still hurt from back when Noire beat me

Neptune: Please!

Y/N: No

Nepgear: Y/N, can you do it, just for this time?

Y/N: No and if any of you ask me, i will never cook for any of you again

Both: What?!

Y/N: I'm dead serious

Histoire: Y/N please, think of it, it will be a great way to show your bluffing skill

Y/N: No

Neptune: If you do it, i will grant you anything i can give you

Y/N: Okay when will it take place

Neptune: In a week, so everyone will have time to be ready

Y/N: Give me my text, and i will be the best of it

Neptune: Thanks Y/N!

I walked out of the basilicom, as i let out a sigh

Y/N: Playing as the bad guy? Guess i can do that


It was time, the show have gathered at least one hundred thousand people

Eveeyone was getting ready, as i had a blank face

Neptune, who transformed for the show, walked to me

Neptune: What's wrong?

Y/N: The disguise

Neptune: I choose it myself, you can pe proud of it

She had a proud smile on her face, as i pinched her ear

Y/N: And that disguise is a giant fish?!

Noire: It will suit you well, don't worry

Y/N: You stay out of this, loner

Noire: As you wish mister fish

Blanc: Damn, that sucks for you

Vert: He deserved it after what happened back at Kurome

I had a thick mark on my face, as i cracked my knuckle

Y/N: You know what? Go on, but be sure i'm going to beat your ass in front of everyone

Neptune: No offense, but your not the fighting one

They walked away, as i looked at the disguise

Y/N: I will make you the greatest disguise, and make master Umio proud

I then wear it, and waited for me to be called

IF, who made the narrator, started to tell the story of the show, of how the CPU met, and became allies to fight against one common ennemy, the Fish lord

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