Chapter 1: Y/N L/N

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That guy was just your average dude

Nice body, smart, didn't fight, like every single guy in this world

But, something was special about him, that attract people to him

That something? Well it's simple

It was himself

Let me show you why he is that special

Planeptower - Y/N POV

The treaty have been signed, as the four nation is now buddy in front of the world

But in reality, they were buddy since the beggining, just they were too prideful to admit it

Purple Heart: The treaty is a success, right Y/N

Y/N: Yeah no thanks to you i did everything

She changed to her human form

Neptune: What do you mean i did nothing?! I said the speech!

Y/N: Speech that I WROTE for you because i lost at rock paper scissor

Neptune: Not my fault your bad at it

Y/N: Not my fault i perfect you everytime we play game

Neptune: That's because you don't let me be ready!

Y/N: Sore looser, like Noire

Black Heart: What did you just said?!

Y/n: You heard me miss "i have work to do" after i finsished her with one hand on a fighting game

She turned back into her human form too

Noire: That's because my controller wasn't working!

Y/N: BeCaUsE mY cOnTrOlLeR WaSn'T wOrKiNg

Noire: Why you!

White Heart: He is right, you two are sore looser

Green Heart: That's right, we play and accept our defeat when it comes to game

Y/n: Yeah, just say your too scared to fight me on Nep Fighters V

Green Heart: I can take you whenever i want

Y/N: Then when i asked you a 1v1 after your guild raid rest, you said "oh i'm sorry i have CPU work to do", coward

White Heart: Heh, he is right, you're a coward thunder tits

They returned back to they're human form and started to argue

Histoire: Look at what you've done Y/N, after they said they were now ally

Y/N: And i'm proud of it

Histoire: *sigh* You will never change

Nepgear: That's how he is, we can't change him

Y/N: You're right Gear, and how is it going with Hector?

Nepgear: He is doing great! Thank you again for giving me this robot you made

Y/N: Don't worry, you were fan of robot, so that's the least i could do to your birthday

Nepgear blushed a little, as Uni appeared

Uni: And you still give me nothing!

Y/N: How do you want me to make a gun? With pudding and chocolate?

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