Chapter 11: Death

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No joke for this chapter, all serious, and talk about the relation ship between Y/N and the CPU


That day, was super weird

I had a feeling that someone was watching me the whole day, and they were waiting the best time to act

I was with IF and Compa as i was on guard

IF: So, Y/N, i have a question for you

Y/N: Hmm? Yes?

IF: What's wrong? You're being on guard since this morning

(A/N: I didn't say it, but Y/N live with IF and Compa :D )

Compa: She's right, you're being so serious....

Y/N: It's nothing, don't worry about it

IF: If you say so....

Y/N: So, what was that question you wanted to ask?

IF: Right, i wanted to ask you, why did you hide you were able to fight?

Y/N: Well, it's easy to know, it's abou-

???: Out of the way!

We looked up, and see Plutia, flying toward us, as she crashed in front of us

Plutia: Why didn't you catched me~?

Y/N: You can take a fall, right?

Plutia: That's mean....

She started to transform, and licked her lips

Plutia: And i don't like when someone is mean!

She rushed at me, and slashed, and i did something they were shocked

I dodged it

I didn't know why i dodged, because i always take the hit, so it won't be harder

IF: He....

Compa: Dodged?

Plutia: You're playing the hard one? I like that~

She then grabbed me by the collar, and take me to an hotel

After an hour, i walked out, full of bruise, with a smiling Plutia by my side

IF: You're okay?

Y/N: Yeah, let's go see Nep, and finish that day


We were at the basilicom, as everything was going smoothly, except for me

I was focused on my surrounding, to make sure nothing was coming my way

Peashy: Y/N!

She tried to jump on my back, but i dodged again, shocking further IF and Compa

Peashy: Why did you dodge! I wanted to ride your back!

Y/N: Sorry, i tought it was Neptune, and since she is heavier than you, it would have break my back

Neptune: What?!

Y/N: You know i'm right

She get on my back, as she was hitting the back of my head

Neptune: I'm not heavy!

Y/N: Okay stop you're not!

She got out of my back, and pouted at me

Neptune: You're so mean!

She pushed me out of the basilicom

Narrator POV

IF: It's strange...

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