Chapter 4: The sadistic Goddess and the Boi

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It's been a month since the Arfoire thing, ans things were doing great

Except someone was stalking Noire, and i had to come i don't know why

Y/N: Can someone tell me why do i have to come?

Black Heart: Because you will be needed for hacking the stalker computer

Y/N: That's abusing your power here

Black Heart: I don't care

Purple Heart: See the good side, you have 4 magnificent lady escorting you

Y/N: Ladies that can beat me if i say something wrong

Green Heart: That's a good point

White Heart: One bad word from you, and i beat you up

Y/N: Damn i feel honoured

We arrived at the hacker location, and enter the building

Noire: We have to be quiet, do we can catch him in a stealth manner


Noire looked at me shocked, as the other 3 were holding a laugh

Noire: Why did you do that?!

Y/N: Because Chocolate rain is a great song and he already know we are here

She sigh, knowing she wouldn't win this one

Noire: Just let's go

Y/N: I can sing another thing if you want

Noire: Please no...

We come to a door, as Noire kicked it down and everyone assumes their battle stance

Even me

Noire: Y/N what are you doing?

Y/N: Battle stance, why?

Noire: That's not a batle stance!

Y/N: You're just jealous that i have a better stance than you

???: My, i am going to be ignored for long

Y/N: Sorry dude, just messing around

???: It's okay, i find it funny after all, and you have a great voice for singing

Y/N: Thanks, i'm going to be a pro after all

Neptune: Wait really?

Y/N: No

Noire: Get your hand in the air and don't move!

???: My, you seems a lot cutter than in the screen, dear Noire

All: Huh?

Y/N: A girl in the body of a robot?

Annonydeath: Exactly! You know me so great, my prince!

Y/N: I'm not into robot, sorry

Annonydeath: You may not like me, but i like you a lot!

He showed a lot of picture, and they were all about me

Some were normal, while other where R-18

How do i know? Because Vert was having a nosebleed

Y/N: You were spying me too?

Annonydeath: At first no, but after i saw you, my heart pounded, and i started to stalk you

Y/N: So i'm better than Noire for you?

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