Chapter 3: Goth Lady and an Angry boi

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It's been 3 days since the twins got kidnapped, and i was kidnapped by Vert

She called everyone to come for a concert of 5PB, but she didn't come because she had a raid or something

I was with the girls as Blanc and Neptune were clinging to me

Y/N: Please let go

Both: No

Y/N: I can't feel my arms

Noire: That' what you get for going with Vert without telling me

Y/N: How could i oppose her? She was transformed

Noire: Calling me was an option

Y/N: Yeah sure

Noire: Anyway, it's rude of her to invit us to a concert, but not comming with us

Y/N: Trust me, that's not the rudest thing she have done in the past days

Blanc and Neptune clinged to me harder, as i could feel my arm cracking

Both: What do you mean by that?

Y/N: She didn't finished the cake i made her

They let go, as they had a blank face

Blanc: Shall she pay?

Neptune: Yes

Noire: Definitly

Nepgear: That's for sure

Uni: She will feel pain

IF: You truly are a mastermind

Y/N: And you love it

She blushed, and punched me on the back

IF: Idiot! D-Don't say such things!

Y/N: Never

Compa: Iffy is having a crush!

IF blushed harder, as she hide with her hoodie

Y/N: You too Compa

Compa: Huh?!

She blushed crimson, and looked down

Y/N: Let's go and see Vert before an accident comes out


We were getting ready for the party, as Noire was leading the thing

Neptune wasn't doing anything, as i walked to her

Y/N: Yo, not working?

Neptune: Boring

Y/N: Want a boost?

Neptune: Sure

I hold her face, and kissed her on the forehead

She jumped from the chair, and was ready

Neptune: Alright!

She started to work, as Noire looked at me in disbelief

Noire: How?

Y/N: Want to test it out?

I kissed her on the lips, as she blushed crimson, but was full of energy again

Noire: I-I feel great!

She started to clean again, as i watched with a smile

IF: We are going to buy groceries!

Y/N: Wait for me!

Not a timeskip

We got out of the store, as i buyed everything that is good for the party

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