Chapter 9: Y/N Origins

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Narrator POV

The CPU were in a bad situation

I will explain

After a portal appeared at the west of Gameindustry, the CPU decided to check it, and make sure that nothing try to pass on it

Y/N had a bad feeling about it, so he followed them, and he was right

As soon as the CPU let their guard down, a giant appeared, and attacked them

He was able to save them, but he was trapped, against 4 giant that were infinitly stronger than him

As he was about to fight, someone knock him out, and this person was Kurome, Uzume dark side that show after she lost her memory (A/N: I don't remember this part clearly, so if it's wrong, tell me)

The CPU were taken by Nepgear and Uni, who followed them, and were able to save them

After sometime, the CPU woke up in panic, about Y/N

They decided to prepare themselves, to save him, and destroy the giant

After they entered the weird dimension, they encountered Uzume, who decided to help them too, in search for her memory

After sometime, they managed to find Kurome, as she was with Y/N, but something was different with him


I was in a black void, not able to move, but i could hear people yelling

The void started to clear, as a little boy was in front of me

Y/N: Who are you?

Kid: I'm the you from the past

Y/N: Wait what?

Kid: Of course you would say that you idiot

Y/N: Yeah, so what's going on here?

Kid: We are in your mindscape, it was corrupted by the power of that girl Kurome

Y/N: And who the f*ck is she

Kid: The dark Uzume that you encountered

Y/N: Oh

Kid: Right now, your body, controlled by Kurome, is fighting everyone, and you are beating their ass

Y/N: Can i see it?

A TV appeared in front of me, as i could see all the CPU on the ground, breathing heavily

Y/N: Damn, i must be super duper strong

Kid: You have no idea

Y/N: But i still hate fighting

Kid: Yeah, but right now, you have to take control of your body again

Y/N: Okay, how

Kid: You have to do a perfect score on the drum game

Y/N: Easy, what song?

Kid: Six trillion night

Y/N: Fok

A giant drum appeared in front of me, with a TV, as the music started

Y/N: Let's do this

Kid: Damn you made it

Y/N: Of course

Kid: So, you are going to take control of your body again little by little

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