Prologue : Where it all Started

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"Yoongi hyung, have you signed the contract with the Busan Corporation already?" my best friend and co-producer, Namjoon asked me while waiting for our coffees.

We are at the infamous coffee shop near our studio to prevent flocking media and sasaengs.

"Are they that eager to work with us?" I replied and looked at the email my secretary sent me, it is the contract Namjoon was talking about.

"Working with you is a dream come true, hyung. That's why they want that contract signed urgently." I rolled my eyes when I heard that 'dream come true' phrase again.

He always gives me that kind of explanation whenever another contract wants my signature so badly. It feels like I am ahead of them all and they are like my slaves to the point that working with them is a huge fuckin' deal.

Well, it is not.

"That company is also well-known for their high-quality artists. I think they can manage it on their own. I'm currently busy with my mixtape." I answered that way so that he would keep his mouth shut. And I am right, he remained quiet until our coffee arrived and after we finished it.

He is a dumbass for taking too much time admiring the wooden table at the café while taking small sips.

"Hurry, I'm already 5 minutes late with my meeting, damn it!" He cursed at me while he is already walking fast, perfect timing to tease him. This kid really, aish.

He knew I hate it when someone treats me like that but then he did. I managed to maintain my slow pace that pissed him off.

"Hyung, please. I am late!" this huge built guy begged.

"You're already late, why not enjoy the walk? Appreciate the nature-"

I was cut off by a harsh pull that made me fall into the ground.

Why does the ground feel soft, and it also smells good?

I opened my eyes just to see a pretty boy under me, he is also staring at me like he saw something unbelievable.

My eyes went down to his cheeks that were already red as if he is shy, down to his full plump red lips. My eyes were glued to his lips as if it were inviting me for a kiss.

"HYUNG! GODDAMN IT! YOU ALMOST KILLED HIM!" I came back to my senses when Namjoon pulled me up while he is shouting and cursing at the truck driver that almost killed me.

I looked up and then I saw a red stoplight.

"WE'LL REPORT YOU!" Namjoon was about to call the police, but I stopped him when I saw the face of the driver, he is sorry, and his eyes were begging. I nod at him, and his face lifts up and asks for an apology.

"Just be careful next time." I said lastly and let him go even though Namjoon's still fuming mad.

After that he drove away while I faced the pretty boy that saved me.

"I'm M-"

"Min Yoongi of Min Production!" His eyes were filled with excitement and amusement. He knew me.

Is he one of my workers? I doubt that I know my staff. And if he is one of them, I will easily know. He will probably stand out with his bright and soft features.

"You know me?" I tried not to stutter but his cheeks were distracting me, it looked like a cotton ball, squishy and soft.

His excited and amused smile turns into a shy one.

"E-everyone knows you, you're the great-" My ears tingled.

"Okay stop. You know me, that's it." I know where he was heading.

Compliments, compliments, compliments.

I am sick of it.

"You saved my life, is it because I'm a well-known person?" I asked out of curiosity, he looked at me directly and that made me turn my gaze somewhere. There is something in his gaze and presence that can turn my intimidating aura down.

He is making me shy without knowing why.

"Whether you're a poor old man or an annoying boss, I'll save you. No matter who you are." He smiled at me and that time I felt my heart beating so fuckin' fast! The fuck?

"I'll give you anything in return. Name it and I'll give it to you." I do not care if I sound desperate for asking what he wants, it is just that I wanted to return the happiness he caused me today.

"Hyung, I'm late..."

He suddenly glanced at Namjoon and his eyes widened.

Do they know each other?

"You know-"

"Sign the latest contract offered to you. I want that." He seriously told me that made me confused. I look into his eyes, and it is eager, serious, and somehow convincing...?

"Wait, what!?"

"I answered you already, I'll go now! Bye!" He is happily skipping away after he waved us goodbye.

The contract with Busan Corporation? What does it do with him?


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