Chapter 2 - Birthday.

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"Arrange the debut date and everything. They'll be debuting as soon as possible." I told Namjoon that it made him smirk. I knew that smirk and where it was heading.

Here we go again.

"They?" Taehyung interrupted us but as soon as he realized he bowed and asked for an apology. He also interrupted me from talking a while ago, when did this kid become like this?

But I love the comfortability.

"You'll be debuting together." That is the last words I told them before going back to my office. I could sense their stares at my back while I was walking away.

I cannot contain the tense and the nervous beats of my heart, which is why I needed to go away from them.

And besides, I still have a lot of work to do. I also need to finish my mixtape this week so I can release it before my birthday.


" 'THE GREAT MIN YOONGI, THE CEO OF MIN PRODUCTION AND ONE OF THE NATIONS PRIDES DOMINATE THE WORLD AGAIN WITH HIS NEW RELEASED MIXTAPE 'Daechwita' " Namjoon clapped his hand after reading the articles title again. It made me proud and motivated.

"Woah, it's just been 3 days since you released Daechwita, but it dominates the world already?" I am also surprised but thankful too. A lot of people show their love for my mixtape.

I have been on hiatus for 3months but the moment I drop my new mixtape, everyone happily accepts and streams it.

"This calls for a celebration!" Namjoon exclaimed and as if on cue, Hoseok entered the room with a bottle of vodka and a bucket of beer in his hands. Did these two plans this or what?

"Nah, you two were both busy and yet you have time to celebrate?" I raised my eyebrow to them and that made them laugh. Mocking me, huh?

What a friend.

"It's another milestone for you so we need to celebrate, don't be a killjoy, Hyung!" Hoseok handed me a beer, so I do not have any choice but to accept it.

Namjoon opened the bottle of vodka and gave us a shot.

"For Daechwita's achievements! Cheers!" We click our glasses and drink.

The next day, I cannot remember how the fuck I got home. My head hurts and I am dizzy.

Fuck alcohol and hang overs.

I rushed to my bathroom to vomit my stomach out, this is why I hate vodka mixed with beer. It literally kills me.

"Was Soju out of stock yesterday?" I asked myself while washing my mouth and headed to the dining room to make myself breakfast.

I am all alone in my penthouse. I used to live with Namjoon but ever since I bought this house, we have separated. I do not know; he might do not want to leave his house all alone. It is not a hustle, to be honest. I can live alone and work for myself, so not important.

I cooked my usual breakfast and made coffee. It lessens my headache and dizziness, enough to get myself ready for work.

Today is a busy day, we will be having general practice and check for the Trio's debut tomorrow.

Also, with their hidden member, Park Jimin. I have not seen that boy again after I have announced that they will be debuting soon. We both became busy with our own stuff.

After getting ready, I head to the company just to be surprised with a ton of work.

My secretary immediately read my schedule for me. Meeting, recording, practice, and another meeting.

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