Chapter 7

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I glance at Jimin and he's actually shy. I tried my best to hide a smile forming at my lips. I dive at the pool just to maintain my serious face.

I don't want to be teased again. It will make Jimin avoid me more.

After swimming its already getting dark, Jungkook invited us to play Xbox. Jin Hyung is our commentator while we group ourselves into two.

Hobi urgently sit beside me sign that we'll be on the same team.

The first players are Taehyung and Jimin,

"Taehyung-ah! Get out of my way!" Jimin laughed when Taehyungs character slipped

"Yah! Yah! I died!"

"Jimin won!" Jin Hyung announced like we don't know.

Next is Namjoon and Jungkook, as usual, Jungkook won against Namjoon.

"Jonnie~ you really suck at this game." Jin Hyung teased his lover while the other one scowled

"As if you're good at this, you decided to be a commentator to avoid being teased." Namjoon laughed as Jin Hyung's face started to reddened.

"Hyung-ahhh!" Everyone laughed when Hobi's character died. He unconsciously hugs me because of embarrassment.

We just started the game and he died already.

My eyes roamed and accidentally glance at Jimin that's looking at us, quietly.

I came back to my senses and push Hobi lightly.

We're about to play the final round when Jimin stand up and act like stretching up.

"I'm hungry already, can we eat snacks again?" He acted cute in front of Jungkook that made me scowled.

"Me too, we'll prepare snacks, right Yoongi-Hyung?" Hobi held my hand and drag me towards the kitchen

I checked the refrigerator and saw some baked cookies and heated them.

"Hyung-nim, there's also mochi here..." He raises three boxes of mochi and quickly put them on the table.

I've got an idea.

"Mochi Cookies?" Jin Hyung's brow creased while criticizing the snacks we served.

"Yah! Hobi-Hyung, it's the best snack I've tasted!" I smiled at Jimin's compliment.

Hobi was about to tell them that I was the one created those but I slightly punch his leg to stop him.

He glances at me and I shook my head at him, he quickly understands me and stayed quiet.

"Yoongi-nim, I wrote a song!" Taehyung exclaimed while eating

My eyes and Namjoons met.

"Really? Can you lend it to me?" Namjoon asks and Taehyung happily nods.

"Great. Jungkook-ah, when we go back to Seoul, we'll start recording for our collab song, arrasso?" Jungkook's eyes widened.

"Jinjja!? I'm excited manager-nim!" The table were filled of excitement and happy thought while eating snacks.

After eating snacks, we make our own personal stuffs. Before leaving the living room, my eyes around but there's no signs of Jimin.

I sighed and decided to go outside where I saw Hobi drinking beer alone.

"Yah..." I pat his shoulder reason why he looked at me.

"Yoongi-nim." He smiled a little while glancing at me.

"Any problem? Hyung's always here." I smiled at him assurance that I'll listen.

"I love someone who doesn't love me back." He bluntly says and drink beer.

I froze at my spot after hearing him. I'm no dense to realize it's me that he likes.

"The saddest part is he like someone he just met years ago and I could see that he's falling in love with him as days goes by. I'm witnessing him falling in love with another man." I don't know what to say.

I thought he just likes me but I was wrong, its deeper than I thought.

I tried to never mind his feeling for me, even though he didn't confess, the time he told me that he loves someone who doesn't love him back, I already know it's me.

"Hoseok-ah... Hyung doesn't want you to feel that way, Its just that." I couldn't find the right words to say.

"It's just that your heart chooses him. I know. It's not your fault for falling for him but it's also not my fault for falling for you. I also like him for you. I'm still your best friend right, Hyung-nim?" He smiled widely.

He's still my sunshine even though his eyes were full of pain.

"You and Namjoon are my best friends. It'll never change." I smiled at him and hug him.

I was about to let go of the hug when my eyes saw a person standing in the terrace.

"Jimin..." Hoseok let go of the hug when he realizes what I've said. He also roams his eyes and found Jimin looking at us from the terrace.

He faced me and pat my shoulder.

"Looks like he likes you too..." My brows creased after hearing him say that.


"Go and confess again to your man. Best of luck, Hyung-nim!" He chuckled before tapping my shoulder again and get inside my house.

I blink twice before realizing what Hoseok just said.

When I look at Jimin's place, he's not there anymore.

I run inside upstairs and urgently knock at Jimin's door.

No one's answering though but I still knock, I don't care if his door would break.

After knocking so many times, I felt my knuckles numb but I still knock until he opens it a little. Enough for me to see his fluffy cheeks.

"What-" I cutted him off by pushing the door widely and enter inside.

"Hyung-nim, what are you doing!?" His chinky eyes widened when I locked the door.

"You saw us, didn't you?" A smirk formed into my lips when he diverted his gaze somewhere.

He's shy.

"Am I not supposed to saw you're loving-" I cutted him off again by kissing him.

His words and actions are already enough for me to confirm what Hoseok told me.

At first it was aggressive because he's still pushing me but when I put my hands to his waist, he already opens his mouth for me.

My tongue explored his mouth while caressing his waist. His hands crawled to my neck as I kiss him deeply.

We're both panting and almost lost of breath when our lips parted.

"I-I love y-you... W-we're just talking. I hugged him because he confessed to me and told me that he likes you for me..." His cheeks reddened after hearing our conversation.

"D-don't be jea-" This time it was him who cutted me off.

"I-i love you too..." He muttered after giving me a smack.


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