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"Yoongi-Hyung!" Taehyung stretches his arms and walk towards me, once I entered the room.

"Don't act like you're too tired seating everyday here." I muttered at him while he's making face to me.

I walk through Jimin's bed and my eyes began to water again. It's been almost a month but he hasn't wake up yet. The doctors said that Jimin's under comatose because of the severe injury he had.

For the past weeks, I make sure that the Busan Corporation will vanish. I put everyone involved behind bars while those innocent one and also a victim works for me now.

Everyone's doing great already but Jimin. My Jimin isn't opening his beautiful eyes yet.

I miss him every day.

"Yah, Hyung-nim! Maybe Jimin won't wake up because he always hears you crying! Stop it and look at this song manager-nim handed me!" I rolled my eyes when Taehyung butted in.

I'll make sure to end his contract sooner, he always bosses around me aish!

"Friends?" He nodded when I mentioned the title of the song.

"A song for me and Jimin, we'll start recording when Jimin woke up and fully recovered!" He sounded really positive, sure that his best friend will wake up sooner or later.

Its Jimin's birthday today.

"What are we supposed to do?" Hoseok asks us

I was supposed to talk when a strange sound butted in. It's coming from one of Jimin's monitor.

H-his heartbeat is flattening...

The doctors and nurses entered and they told us to stay outside, no no, My Jimin is strong. He'll survive.

I walk in front of the door back and front when suddenly the doctor came out with a sad face.

I don't want that look and his next words made my world collapsed and my heart shattered in pieces.

"I'm sorry..."


"Yah! Yoongi-Hyung!" Jungkook called me outside the door.

"I'm coming!" I shouted back and open the door. His frowned expression shocked me.

"You've said that million times!" I just laughed at him and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Jungkook-ah, be calm. Frowning at the groom is bad." I smiled at him and he just rolled his eyes at me.

"Whatever, your 'bride' is waiting for you already. You're very late." He taps my shoulder when we arrived at the aisle.

We marched together with Namjoon and Hoseok behind me.

The moment the door open, my eyes is locked to the most beautiful man I've ever seen.

When he already steps beside me, the ceremony begins.

It's time for the last part where we need to face each other, I can't hide my gummy smile thinking that after this event I'll be freely loving this man.

"Park Jimin, do you accept Min Yoongi as your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." He smiled at me and so as I to him.

Yes, he is alive. Minutes after the doctor said that he's dead, a nurse rush outside telling us that his heartbeat came back.

While he's still recovering, I wasted no time to prepare our wedding. He's Park Jimin, he deserves everything.

"Min Yoongi-"

"Yes, I do!" The crowd laughs at me when I answered the priest question.

Korea can't stop our wedding. We raise our country's pride and it's only the way they can pay us.

Marrying our love ones freely.

"You can kiss your husband!" And with that cue, I kiss the love of my life.

After the kiss his eyes went down to our hands and shockingly raise it.

"Glossy?" My eyes widened when he suddenly mentioned the name my first love once called me.

"C-Chimmy?" I look at the thin red string he wore in his wrist just like mine.

"I guess we're destined after all." I laugh at his comment and kiss him again, slowly and full of love.

I am his first love, his crush and his husband.

I am his producer.


Officially ended. Borahae💜

My Producer | YOONMINWhere stories live. Discover now