Chapter 8

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Jimin's POV.

"Chimchim!" I turned my back when someone called me.

"Gloss-nim!?" I run to him and hug him tightly.

"Yah! Where are you going? Are you leaving without even bidding goodbye?" I notice how his face turned soft when I face him.

"You're late, I thought you'll never come. I was about to go home!" I answered that made him smile, His gummy smile always makes me happy.

"Forgive Hyung-nim then. The battle ended late that's why I'm late too. They're celebrating our victory but then I choose not to come." We sat at the bench as we always do.

"You won again?!" My eyes widened as if it's their first time to win a rap battle.

"Yeah, as always." He smirked at me.


He is Gloss Hyung. He's 2 years older than me. He never told me his real name and always wearing a red jacket that serves as his lucky charm whenever he joins a rap battle. He told me that Gloss is just his underground nickname and isn't able to use his real name, of course, for safety purposes.

He's one of the greatest and most popular rappers here in Daegu and we're just allowed to meet at the evening. He's late and its already past 2:00 in the morning.

We stayed quiet because no one know what to say.

It's my last day in Daegu before going to Seoul for my training as a future dancer and singer. An Idol perhaps.

"It's our last day?" At last, he speaks.

I look at his face although I can't see him clearly. All I can see clearly is his lips and his nose. He's wearing an eye mask only revealing his cat eyes. I've never seen his whole face ever since we've met.

"Yeah, Busan Corporation accepted me, right? They want me to travel to Seoul tomorrow, well later, its already morning." After that he stayed quiet again.

"I'll miss you, Chimmy..." I smiled a little because of my new nickname he invented.

Just like his, I just told him my nickname. I also wore an eye mask just like his. We're contented just by knowing a little from each other because we both know that we might part ways sooner and here I am, bidding my goodbye already.

"I'll miss you too, Glossy-nim." With that my eyes started to get teary.

Before parting ways, he gave me a red thin bracelet partnered with his.

"If ever we saw each other in the future and didn't recognize ourselves, it's the thing we get in common so that we can remember that we're once called Chimmy and Glossy." He hugs me tight and lend me to the tree beside the bench we were sited.

He started carving at the tree that's already years old there.

"Glossy ❤ Chimmy" I read after he finished carving our names.


"Yah! We're going, Jimin-ah!" I came back to my senses when Taehyung just snapped in front of me.

We're already going home. I glance at the carving we made years ago.

It's been 12 years. I was 10 and he was 12 back then.

11 years of training and here I am debuted as an Idol with Taehyung and Jungkook under Min Production, the highest grossing and most popular production company in the whole world. How lucky I am.

Today, we're back at Daegu just to show Taehyung's hometown and we visited the park we used to visit long time ago for a reality tv.

When we're about to walk to Taehyungs house, I quickly glance at Yoongi-Hyung who's a little bit look annoyed.

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