Chapter 9

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"Yeah, my love. I'll be there before dinner, I love you." I am smiling in the entire phone call.

"Lovebirds, huh?" Hobi smirked at me when I hung up.

We're totally okay. It's already been 5 years since Jimin and I got into a relationship. The first months, Hoseok were a little distant to us but we understand him and as days goes by, we got along.

We're okay. Friends again without any hatred inside.

"At least we're not too cringy..." I glance at Namjoon that's already glaring at me. Hobi and I just laughed at his reaction.

The whole gang are a lot successful now compared to what we are 5 years ago. The Trio career blasted worldwide and became the highest grossing and the biggest boy group in the world. How proud I am to be their producer and one of their members lover.

Jin continued being a soloist, he's also a worldwide star just like the Trio. The power of Min PD Artists holds is a lot more powerful than anybody's.

They recently released their second collaboration album with their title track, House of Cards. Namjoon, Hoseok and I also collaborated with them along with Jin Hyung.

We can't resist making songs and recording together.

"It is Jungkookie's birthday, today right?" Namjoon walk towards us handing me a renewal of contract for Busan Corporation.

"Yeah, that's why Jimin wanted us to get home before dinner." I answered while reading the entire contract.

"Then we should get going, its already past 5, we'll be stuck in the traffic if we'll stay late here..." Hoseok quickly pack his things as well as Namjoon.

"Do I really need to renew this contract?" They both look at me with a confused face

"I mean, Busan Corporation..." I sighed heavily while clicking my pen on the desk.

Thinking deeply.

"You don't want Jimin in your company?" Hoseok laughed at me and shook his head as if I am joking.

"Jimin isn't under their company after he debuted with Taehyung and Jungkook. As well as Jin-Hyung. They're labeled as The Trio produced by Min Production, under my company. He's not Busan Corporations artist anymore." They look at each other as if they're getting my point and also thinking.

"Is that so? Then cut the contract, Jiminie and Jin-Hyung's the only artist from them that we got benefit." Hoseok look so careless and continue packing his things.

I was about to talk again when my phone rings.

"Hyung-nim, are you going home already?" A smile immediately forms in my lips when I heard Jimin's sweet voice.

"Already signing out the office, love." He giggled a little before bidding goodbye.

Always excited as ever.

I never mind the renewal contract and hide it in my drawer before packing my things and sign out the office.

When we arrived at the dorm they're already prepared and just waiting for us.

The moment the door opens, Jimin immediately hug me tightly. As if we didn't see each other a while ago. I chuckled when his hug became tighter and never let go. I kiss his temple and gently walk in the dining room while dragging him.

"I'm home, love. I miss you." I whispered at him causing him to giggle a little.

He just let go of me when we arrived at the dining. They're wearing birthday hats and a lot of decoration all over the place.

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